■論語(ろんご) 10巻20篇 11,705字 ■ 11,705 characters Analects Hen 20 (Analects), Volume 10 | .... .... .... .... | | 『論語』 孔丘弟子/金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya / disciple hill holes "Analects" ...> [Books]   | 古代中国の大古典「四書」のひとつで、孔子とその弟子たちの言行を集録したもの。 Which is one of the "Branch" large classic ancient Chinese, I have acquired the sayings and doings of Confucius and his disciples. 人間として守るべきまた行うべき、しごく当り前のことが簡潔な言葉で記されている。 Should also be done to protect human, truths that have been written in simple language squeezing. 長年にわたって親しまれてきた岩波文庫版『論語』がさらに読みやすくなった改訂新版。 Revised edition the "Analects" Iwanami version that has been popular over the years has become more readable. |
| .... .... ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■孔子(こうし) - 生没年:前551 - 前479 姓:子 氏:孔 名:丘 字:仲尼 出身地:魯国昌平郷陬邑 … ■ (Koshi) Confucius - birth and death: - Shohei魯国...陬邑Township Hometown:尼terms: Text hill: hole name: Goh surname before 479 before 551 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 儒家の始祖にして世界三聖の一人。 One of the three holy to the founder of the Confucian world. 貧賤の出であり、早くに両親を失いながらも善く礼学を修めたという。 Is out of賤poor, that he was well but after completing a science thanks to the early loss of his parents. 魯に仕えて仁政を行ったが、定公らに失望して出国し、以後14年間に渡って諸国遊説の旅を続けた。 Was carried out benevolent rule served to Lu, to leave disappointed with the public from a constant, I continued the journey of countries over 14 years after the canvass. 70歳手前で魯に帰り、後学のために諸々をまとめ、73歳で没した。 70-year-old returned to Lu in front, we summarize the various for future reference, he died at the age of 73. 孔子一門は3,000人を数えたといわれる。 Confucius is said sept and counted 3,000.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■『論語』について … ■ About the "Analects" ... ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 『論語』(10巻20篇)は四書の一で、孔子と門弟の言行録。 "Analects" (Volume 10 Episode 20) is one of the Branch, and a disciple of Confucius recorded words and actions. 戦国初期から編纂が始まり漢代に成立。 Established in the Han Dynasty from the early Sengoku compilation begins. 論述の内容は「仁」を中心としながら、学問・教育・交友・処世・儀礼・政治など様々な分野に及ぶ。 While focusing on "Jin", the contents of the discussion extends to various fields, such as politics, rituals, Shosei-learning, education, companionship. その教えは適切中正であり、叙述は簡潔平易。 Its teachings are correct CKS, concise narrative is plain. 儒家の中心経典として中国伝統思想の根幹となった。 Became the basis of traditional Chinese thought as the center of the Confucian scriptures. 我が国には、応神天皇の16年(285)、百済の王仁(和邇吉師)により『千字文』とともに伝えられたという。 (285) and (teacher邇吉sum) crocodile Baekje to Japan, 16 years Ojinten'no statement "character" thousand that was transmitted with.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■本頁について――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ■ ------------------------------------------- About this page 『論語』 20篇(岩波文庫版、講談社学術文庫版は512章)から概要・重要文句を抄出した。 "Analects" Hen 20 (Iwanami version, Kodansha paperback edition academic chapter 512) was important to complain Shoshutsu Overview from. 各篇の章立て・書き下し・注釈は、 『論語』(金谷治/岩波文庫) 、 『論語』(加地伸行/講談社学術文庫)による。 , Kakikudashi-chapters, annotations of each hen "Analects" (Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya) , "Analects" (Kodansha bunko Academic / Nobuyuki Kaji) According to the. 「曾子曰わく」など、特に発言者の名が挙げられていないものについては、基本的にすべて孔子の言行である。 Such as "rather Notamau曾子", the name of the speaker about what has not been mentioned in particular is essentially all sayings and doings of Confucius. ..... ..... 付: 「孔門七十子」は、 『史記』 仲尼弟子列伝(司馬遷/小竹文夫・小竹武夫/ちくま学芸文庫)による。 With: "child gate seventy hole" is (Chikuma Gakugei Bunko / Takeo Kotake, Fumio Kotake / Sima Qian) Retsuden nun disciple relationship "Shiji" according to. ..... ..... ※本頁は上記本の補助的な目次・ガイドを目指し作成しています。 ※ This page has been aiming to create a Table of Contents Guide ancillary invention. 現代語訳や注釈等は訳本をご確認ください。 Please check the translated book, etc. modern translation and annotations.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■論語(ろんご) 10巻20篇512章 11,705字(抄録) ■ Chapter 512 11,705 characters Analects Hen 20 (Analects), Vol 10 (Abstract) ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 01 学而(がくじ) 第一凡16章 Thus the first chapter 16 unforced Studies 01 (the lottery) ├01 子(孔子)の曰(のたま)わく、 学びて時にこれを習う、亦(ま)た説(よろこ)ばしからずや。 ├曰frame of (Confucius) (Tama), Learning to learn it at 01 child, Ya outrageous theory was (or) If you (come due) also. ├─ 朋(とも)あり、遠方より来たる、亦た楽しからずや。 ├ ─ Tomo there (both), coming from afar, was also Ya First Tanoshikara. 人知らずして慍(うら)みず、亦た君子ならずや。 Ya not gentleman慍water (back), was also the ignorant people. ├02 有子曰(い)わく - 君子は本(もと)を務む。 ├ frame (b)曰Yuko 02 - Tsutomu no gentleman is this the (original). 本立ちて道生ず。 Standing this way arise. 孝弟なる者は其れ仁の本たるか。 Filial piety who will do this barrel of仁Re其. ├03 巧言令色、鮮(すく)なし仁。 ├ 03 sycophancy, Korea (hungry) Hitoshi no. → 巧言令色 →陽貨17-17 → sycophancy 17-17 positive currency → ├04 曾子曰わく - 吾れ日に三たび吾が身を省みる。 Rather ├ Notamawa曾子04 - reflect on my body every three days as us. 人の為に謀りて忠ならざるか、朋友と交わりて信ならざるか、習わざるを伝うるか。 Luke do not go along Tadashi strive for human, and do not trust intersect朋友, but to learn. ├06 弟子(ていし)、入りては則ち孝、出でては則ち弟、謹みて信あり、汎(ひろ)く衆を愛して仁に親しみ、行いて余力あれば則ち以て文を学ぶ。 Disciple ├ 06 (stop), contains Takashiちlaw, leaving out rule is Shin Chi brother, and respectfully, familiar with Hitoshi (Hiro) pan-love crowd clause, if there is spare capacity in view of lawちTe deed I learned a sentence. ├08 忠信を主とし、己に如(し)からざる者を友とすることなかれ。 ├ mainly with Tadanobu 08, Thou shalt not be a friend whoざるfrom (teeth)如to yourself. 過(あやま)てば則ち改むるに憚(はばか)ること勿(な)かれ。 (Do not) take it to be not reluctant Ru (hesitation) in the course Aratamu law if it (accidentally) over. ├12 有子曰わく - 礼の用は和を貴しと為す。 Rather ├ Notamawa Yuko 12 - made for a sum of Rei and Totoshi. 和を知りて和すれども、礼を以てこれを節せざれば、亦た行なわれず。 Even hydrated know the sum, I must thank revamped this section, I was also not performed. →聖徳太子├13 有子曰わく - 信、義に近づけば、言復(ふ)むべし。 → rather than Yuko Notamau 13 ├ Prince Shotoku - trust, if closer to righteousness, word recovery (full) to Yichang. 恭、礼に近づけば、恥辱に遠ざかる。 If you approach today, to thank, away with shame. ├14 君子は食飽かんことを求むること無く、居安からんことを求むること無し。 Kimiko ├ 14 without without you wanted food that does not insatiable, that you wantedんYasukara residence. ├15 子貢、詩に学ぶ - 切するが如く磋するが如く、琢するが如く磨するが如し(『詩経』衛風・淇奥) → 切磋琢磨 15 children learn ├ tribute, poetry - but as polished as磋but as if to cut, as if to Taku → (淇奥Mamoru wind, "Book of Songs") friendly competition └16 人の己れを知らざることを患(うれ)えず、人を知らざることを患う。 └ patients (Sell) not obtain it without knowing the person's self-Re 16, did not know that people suffer from. →里仁04-14・憲問14-32・衛霊公15-19 Mamoru public spirit → 15-19 04-14 14-32 Toy Ken-Satoni
02 為政(いせい) 第二凡24章 (Isei) Chapter 24 02 unforced second Isei ├01 政を為すに徳を以てすれば、譬(たと)えば北辰の其の所に居て衆星のこれに共(むか)うがごとし。 ├ if virtue made the government revamped 01 parables for example (and was) to have its place of Beichen in this crowd of stars as if both I U (angry). ├02 詩三百、一言以てこれを蔽(おお)う、曰わく、 思い邪(よこしま)なし。 Three hundred poems ├ 02,蔽cormorant (Oh), in view of this rather Notamau word, I think no evil (evil). →思い邪無し、馬の斯(ここ)に徂(ゆ)くを思う(『詩経』魯頌・駉) → I think斯without evil, the horse (here) I think the coming徂(boiled) (駉-魯頌"Book of Songs") ├03 これを道びくに徳を以てし、こてを斉(ととの)うるに礼を以てすれば、恥ありて且(か)つ格(ただ)し。 The revamped ├ virtue in this way creel 03, if the revamped Rei (And with the) Hitoshi irons for sale, and is rated one且shame (or) the (only). ├04 吾れ十有五にして学に志す。 ├ aspire to science have been ten to five吾Road 04. 三十にして立つ。 I stand to thirty. 四十にして惑わず。 I do not deluded by the forty. 五十にして天命を知る。 I know the destiny At fifty. ├─ 六十にして耳順(した)がう。 ├ ─ set to sixty Jijun I would have (been). 七十にして心の欲する所に従って矩(のり)を踰(こ)えず。 You want to seventy according to the place where the heart can not踰quadrature (co) a (glue). →志学・而立・不惑・知命・耳順・従心 →従心-Jijun, age fifty-following right course, age thirty-age fifteen ├06 孟武伯、孝を問う - 父母には唯だ其の疾(やまい)をこれ憂えしめよ。 Meng Wu asked Earl ├ 06, a Takashi - The Parents grieve this Tighten disease but its only the (Yamai). ├07 子游、孝を問う - 今の孝は是れ能(よ)く養なうを謂う。 Yu asked ├ child 07 with Takashi - Takashi says now (yo) the ability of Ku AnyangなうRe是. 犬馬に至るまで皆な能く養なうこと有り。 Have a skillfully that everyoneなうculture ranging from dogs to horses. 敬せずんば何を以て別(わか)たん。 If I do not separate revamped敬what Tan (waka). ├09 顔回を評す - 違(たが)わざること愚なるが如し。 ├ reputed to face times - 09 differences (there was) as it becomes folly Ru skill. ├11 故きを温(あたた)めて新しきを知る、以て師と為るべし。 Know the hot ├ Atarashiki collectively (Atata) the late 11 ki, in view of which should become the master. → 温故知新 ※朱熹新注では「温(たず)ねて」と読ませる → Onkochishin to read "(not was) sleeping temperature" in the notes and Zhu ※ The熹新 ├12 君子は器(うつわ)ならず。 12 is not a wise man ├ (vessel). ├13 子貢、君子を問う - 先ず其の言を行い、而して後(のち)にこれに従う。 Ask ├ contribute 13 children, a man of virtue - conducted its first language, follow this to the (later) Thus after it. ├14 君子は周して比せず、小人は比して周せず。 14 is not the gentleman ├ Hisuru Zhou, Zhou dwarf does not compared. ├15 学んで思わざれば則ち罔(くら)し。 If you do not think 15 ├ learn罔ちlaw I (or class). 思うて学ばざれば則ち殆(あや)うし。 I think most of them if not learning course cow rule (Aya). ├16 異端を攻(おさ)むるは斯れ害のみ。 ├ free Ru (reed) is heretical attacks only harm Re斯16. ├17 子路に知るを説く - これを知るをこれを知ると為し、知らざるを知らざると為せ。 ├ preach the 17 children known to the path - and made it known to know this, and made known the forced forced known. 是れ知るなり。 Nari Ru是know. ├18 子張、禄を干(もと)めんことを学ぶ - 言に尤(とがめ)寡(すく)なく、行(こう)に悔(くい)寡なければ、禄は其の中に在り。 ├ learned a noodle (original) Zhang dry 18 children, the Lu - widow (guilty) (hungry) and not to the word likelihood, line (Section) Without Regrets widow (pile), Lu is in it. ├19 哀公、政を問うて - 直きを挙げて諸(こ)れを枉(まが)れるに錯(お)けば則ち民服す。 ├ asks哀公19, the government - peopleちlaw fluff complex subject (us) to be (or is)枉the Re (child) cites various upright. └24 其の鬼(き)に非ずしてこれを祭るは、諂(へつら)いなり。 └ (painful to) dedicated to it by non-bran (continued) demon its 24諂Inari. 義を見て為(せ)ざるは、勇なきなり。 (A) the colander, Nari look without courage for righteousness. 対:敢えてするに勇なれば…(『老子』73章) If you are familiar ... Isamu ("Laozi" on page 73) to dare: Thailand
03 八佾(はちいつ) 第三凡26章 (When pot) Chapter 26 03 unforced third佾eight ├01 季氏、八佾、庭(てい)に舞わす、 是れをしも忍ぶべくんば、孰(いず)れをか忍ぶべからざらんや。 If you do not dance to endure ├ Mr. Shim Su 01 seasons, eight佾, garden to (imperial), the Re是, Ya should endure quite commonん孰or the Ru (not there). ├07 君子は争う所なし。 Kimiko ├ 07 No place to fight. 必ずや射か。 Are you definitely. ├13 王孫賈、孔子を誘う - 其の奧(おう)に媚びんよりは、寧(むし)ろ竈(そう)に媚びよ 13 Wang Jia invite ├ grandson, the Confucius - not flatter than its奧(the king), the flatter the (yeah) furnace furnace (steamed) Ning ├15 孔子、礼を知らず? ├ 15 Confucius did not know, the bow? - 事ごとに問う。 - Ask for every thing. 是れ礼なり。 Re是Nari Rei. ├17 子貢に曰わく - 賜(し)や、女(なんじ)は其の羊を愛(おし)む、我れは其の礼を愛む。 Tribute to the child rather than Notamau ├ - 17 and (c) woman (thou) is no love (dumb), Re We love to thank its sheep without its gift. ├21 哀公、社を宰我(さいが)に問う - 成事(せいじ)は説かず、遂事(すいじ)は諌(いさ)めず、既往(きおう)は咎(とが)めず。 ├ to (re-) we ask jae哀公21, the company - no matter deposition preach (the same), (cooking) and (history) is (and is) Horsehead Horsehead諌transgressions (the stomach),遂事history. ├22 管仲(かんちゅう)の器(うつわ)は小なるかな。 ├ become small kana (vessel) a relationship of 22 tubes (Guanzhong). ├24 儀の封人、孔子を評す - 天、将(まさ)に夫子(ふうし)を以て木鐸と為さんとす。 Seal of the Yi people commented ├ 24, the Confucius - to heaven, and do and shall consist Bokutaku Confucius (satire) and (Masa)将. └26 上(かみ)に居て寛(かん)ならず、礼を為して敬せず、喪に臨みて哀しまずんば、吾れ何を以てかこれを観んや。 └ stay in the top 26 (paper) Hiroshi not (cans), made a bow without silicic, if not sad to face the mourning, Ya do not see this as anything吾revamped.
04 里仁(りじん) 第四凡26章 04 Chapter 26 Satoni Legend IV (lysine) ├01 仁に里(お)るを美(よ)しと為す。 ├ made beauty and his (good) and Ru (us) to Hitoshi Sato 01. 択(えら)んで仁に処(お)らずんば、焉(いずく)んぞ知なることを得ん。 If treatment from Sunda (mashed green soybeans) (us), you will not get to be the knowledge you焉each (Izu district) in selected仁Nde (gills). ├02 仁者は仁に安んじ、知者は仁を利とす。 Swirls ├ safety to仁, the wise man of virtue and 02 utilizing the nucleolus. ├03 惟(た)だ仁者のみ能く人を好み、能く人を悪(にく)む。 Like those who skillfully ├ only humanitarian but Nobuyoshi 03 (was), no evil (meat) the people skilfully. ├04 苟(まこと)に仁に志せば、悪しきこと無し。 If you aspire to仁├苟04 (Makoto), no bad thing. ├05 君子、仁を去りて悪(いずく)にか名を成さん。 ├ does not make the name Nicole (district size) 05 Kimiko away evil, the nucleolus. 君子は食を終うる間も仁に違うことなし。 Is no different to that gentleman仁while the final sell food. ├─ 造次(ぞうじ)にも必ず是(ここ)に於てし、巓沛(てんはい)にも必ず是に於いてす。 ├ ─ The Te at the (here)是always Zoji also (same elephant) and also in the是巓沛always (yes heaven). → 造次顛沛 → Tenbai Zoji ├06 我れ未だ仁を好む者、不仁を悪くむ者を見ず。 ├ who still prefer仁our 06 Re, who does not look bad without the brutality. 仁を好む者は、以てこれに尚(くわ)うること無し。 Those who prefer Hitoshi is, without that (hoe) It should be noted that in view of Ur. ├07 人の過(あやま)つや、各々其の党(たぐい)に於いてす。 ├ (accidentally) gloss over 07 people, each in the party in its (Tagui). 過ちを観て斯に仁を知る。 仁to know斯watching the mistakes. ├08 朝(あした)に道を聞きては、夕べに死すとも可なり。 ├ hear the way (tomorrow), the Death on the evening and the morning Nari possibly 08. ├09 士、道に志(こころざ)して、悪衣悪食を恥ずる者は、未だ与(とも)に議(はか)るに足らず。 Bachelor ├ 09, on the road to Zhi (The heart), who Akujiki ashamed of shabby clothes is not enough to Ru (grave) formate (both) still participate. → 悪衣悪食 → Akujiki shabby clothes ├10 君子の天下に於けるや、適も無く、莫(ばく)も無し。 ├ and no gentleman in the world of 10, also apply, without also莫(exposure). 義にこれ与(とも)に比(した)しむ。 To (co) ratio (the) Shim given to this definition. ├11 君子は徳を懐(おも)い、小人は土(ど)を懐う。 ├ bosom are (heavy) the virtues, Kimiko 11 Child U bosom soil (eg). 君子は刑を懐い、小人は恵を懐う。 Become emotionally attached to the sentence, the gentleman Child U bosom grace. ├12 利に放(よ)りて行えば、怨み多し。 ├ be carried out (by volume yo) to cool to 12 interest, your Oshi grudge. ├14 位なきことを患(うれ)えず、立つ所以(ゆえん)を患う。 ├ patients (Sell) not otherwise get to # 14, suffering from (why) why stand. ├─ 己を知ること莫(な)きを患えず、知らるべきことを為すを求む。 ├ ─ wanted without suffering from ki (such)莫knowing oneself, the Ru know what needs to be done. →学而01-16・憲問14-32・衛霊公15-19 Mamoru public spirit → 15-19 01-16 14-32 Toy Ken Thus, science ├15 曾子曰わく - 吾が道は一(いつ)以てこれを貫く。 Rather ├ Notamau曾子15 - Our way through the this in view of (time) one. 夫子(ふうし)の道は忠恕(ちゅうじょ)のみ。 Tadahiro road Confucius (satire) (only female Ambassador). ├16 君子は義に喩(さと)り、小人は利に喩る。 The allegory ├ righteousness (by volume Sato), Kimiko 16 Child Ru allegory to profit. ├17 賢を見ては斉(ひと)しからんことを思い、不賢を見ては内に自ら省みる。 ├ look at Ken 17 I think that (people) do not scold Qi, to see Ken is not reflect within themselves. ├18 父母に事(つか)うるには幾(ようや)くに諌(いさ)め、志しの従わざるを見ては、又た敬して違(たが)わず、労して怨みず。 ├ difference slightly (there was), (or two) to sell things to see not follow because (the stomach), the aspiring (Ya like) several諌country is怨to labor by Kei was also to parents 18 water. ├19 父母在(いま)せば、遠く遊ばす。 在parents ├ 19 if (now), sports far. 遊ぶこと必ず方(ほう)あり。 (Law) is the way I always play it. ├21 父母の年は知らざるべからず。 Parents ├ 21 years will not be knowing. 一は則ち以て喜び、一は則ち以て懼(おそ)れる。 Of course one will rejoice in view of law, in view of law懼ちone is (hyperemesis). ├22 古の者、言をこれ出(い)ださざるは、躬(み)の逮(およ)ばざるを恥じてなり。 ├ (b) without getting out of this old person 22, the word will be ashamed of field sieve (by us) arrested躬of (only). ├23 約を以てこれを失する者は、鮮(すく)なし。 Korea ├ (hungry) who err on the side about this revamped 23, no. ├24 君子は言に訥(とつ)にして、行(こう)に敏ならんと欲す。 ├ by the (convex)訥to language, and not want the 24 gentleman Satoshi (Section) row. → 訥言敏行 → Toshiyuki訥言 ├25 徳は孤ならず。 Virtue is not solitary ├ 25. 必らず隣あり。 Next is imperative. └26 君に事(つか)うるに數(しばしば)すれば、斯(ここ)に辱(はずか)しめられ、朋友に數すれば、斯に疎(うと)んぜらる。 └ Kimi 26 (or two) to sell things數be (often), shame (or should) be accounted to (here)斯, if數to朋友, not to Zerah斯sparse Ru (Uto).
05 公冶長(こうやちょう) 第五凡28章 (Koya-cho) Chapter 28 05 unforced fifth冶長public ├01 子、公冶長を謂わく、妻(めあ)わすべきなり。 01 ├ child, rather than say the public冶長(Mare) Nari Align wife should. ├04 子貢を評す - 女(なんじ)は器(うつわ)なり。 Described as a tribute ├ child - 04 a woman (thou) is Nari (vessel). 瑚璉(これん)なり。 Nari瑚璉(んthis). →為政02-12 君子は器ならず。 → 02-12 Isei does not become a gentleman. ├05 焉(いずく)んぞ佞を用いん。 ├ do not use flattery焉05 each (district size). 人に禦(あた)るに口給(こうきゅう)を以てすれば、屡(しばしば)人に憎まる。 To Ru (was there) if feeding mouth with (high-paying), (often) to people who often hate Ru禦to humans. ├09 子貢の顔回評 - 回や一を聞きて以て十を知る。 Evaluation of face time tribute ├ child 09 - know dozens times, and in view of listening to one. 賜や一を聞きて以て二を知る。 Know in view of listening to one or two gift. ├10 宰予の昼寝 - 朽木(きゅうぼく)は雕(ほ)るべからず、糞土(ふんど)の牆(かき)は朽(ぬ)るべからず。 Of the pre-nap-jae ├ 10 - Kuchiki雕not be Ru (almost), Dachshund牆of (Rage) (below)朽(my old) not Bekara Ru (bran). ├14 子路、聞くこと有りて、未だこれを行うこと能(あた)わざれば、唯(た)だ聞く有らんことを恐る。 ├ that road capacity 14 children, and there to listen, to do this yet (was there) if Re deeds, there is no fear that I only hear (was). ├15 孔文子を評す - 敏にして学を好み、下問(かもん)を恥じず Described as a hole Fumiko ├ - 15 science and prefer to Satoshi, not ashamed (family crest) inquiry ├21 甯武子を評す - 邦(くに)に道有れば則ち知、邦に道なければ則ち愚。 Described as a child ├甯武21 - Without law愚road course knowledgeちlaw, if there way to the country (country) country. 其の知は及ぶべきなり、其の愚は及ぶべからざるなり。 Should extend its knowledge is, its stupidity is not to span Nari. ├23 伯夷・叔斉、旧悪を念(おも)わず。 ├ feeling slightly (main)-夷叔斉Earl 23, Kyuaku. 怨み是(ここ)を用(もっ)て希(まれ)なり。 是grudge for it (with) and (here) Nari rare (rare). ├25 巧言、令色、足恭(すうきょう)なるは、左丘明これを恥ず。 ├ flattery becomes 25, servile looks, (today number)恭feet, ashamed of this hill Ming left. 怨みを匿(かく)して其の人を友とするは、左丘明これを恥ず。 Its people and the anonymous friend to (each) grudge is ashamed of this hill Ming left. ├26 老者はこれを安んじ、朋友はこれを信じ、少者はこれを懐(なつ)けん。 This is not the same ├ safety,朋友believe this, (Summer) 26 is an old young person kicks this bosom. ├27 已(や)んぬるかな。 Do not paint such ├已27 (or). 吾れ未だ能く其の過(あやま)ちを見て内に自ら訟(せ)むる者を見ざるなり。 Contentious Nari not see (a) the person himself in the Ru-free look (accidentally) over the course its still skilfully Re吾. └28 十室の邑(ゆう)、必ず忠信、丘が如き者あらん。 └ offers 28 eup ten (Yu) is not an Shiki Tadanobu, always hills. 丘の学を好むに如(し)かざるなり。 To prefer the study of forced or hill如Nari (teeth).
06 雍也(ようや) 第六凡30章 雍也06 (Ya like) Chapter 30 unforced sixth ├01 冉雍を評す - 雍や南面せしむべし。 ├ reputed to冉雍01 - Should I shim the south side and雍. ├03 顔回を評す - 顔回なる者あり、学を好む。 ├ reputed to face 03 times - some times a person will face, like science. 怒りを遷(うつ)さず、過ちを弐(ふた)たびせず。 Transition is not (depression) to anger, not every弐(lid) a mistake. ├04 子華、斉に使いす - 君子は急を周(すく)うて富めるに継がず。 Hua Su ├ use child 04, Qi - gentleman does not succeed to the rich and window (comb) in the circumferential steep. ├07 顔回を評す - 其の心三月(さんがつ)仁に違わず。 ├ reputed to face 07 times - as you might仁(March) March its heart. ├09 閔子騫曰わく - 善(よ)く我が為に辞せよ。 ├ frame騫曰閔子09 - surrender to my (good) come good. 如(も)し我れを復たする者あらば、則ち吾れは必ず汶(ぶんすい)の上(ほとり)に在あらん。 If the other person Ara restore the Re如us to (also), Re吾course在law Alan (the banks) on汶of (watershed) always. ├10 伯牛、疾(やまい)あり - これを亡ぼせり、 命(めい)なるかな。 ├ (Yamai) Earl of cattle is 10, disease - you destroy it, life will kana (niece). 斯(こ)の人にして斯の疾あること、斯の人にして斯の疾あること。 That the diseases of the people to斯斯(child), that there斯diseases of the people therein. ├11 顔回を評す - 一箪(いったん)の食(し)、一瓢(いちびょう)の飲、陋巷(ろうこう)に在り。 ├ reputed to face 11 times - food or drink (once) (teeth), Ippyo of (second), located in (Roko)箪陋巷one. ├─ 人は其の憂いに堪えず、回や其の楽しみを改めず。 ├ ─ person does not bear its sorrow, and its not fun times change. → 箪食瓢飲 → Drinking Gourd箪食 ├12 冉求に諭す - 力足らざる者は中道にして廃す。 ├冉求admonished to 12 - to the middle of the road who Haisuru less than force. 今女(なんじ)は画(かぎ)れり。 Woman painting now (thou) is that Re (key). ├13 子夏に曰わく - 女(なんじ)、君子の儒(じゅ)と為れ。 13 children in the summer rather than Notamau ├ - reach to women (thou), Confucianism and the man of virtue (tree). 小人の儒と為ること無かれ。 Confucianism Nakare be a dwarf. ├14 子游、澹台滅明を評す - 行くに径(こみち)に由らず 、公事に非らざれば未だ嘗て偃(えん)の室に至らざるなり。 ├游reputed 14 children, the flashing light澹台- Nari not come to the chamber (んexample) regardless of the levee ever (alley) diameter to go, if the non-government business Zare et al. ├15 孟之反を評す - 敢て後(おく)れたるに非らず、馬進まざるなり。 Described as an anti-Zhi Meng ├ - 15 non-Nari not proceed regardless, horses Tari Ru (place) after Te敢. ├18 文質彬彬(ひんぴん)として然る後に君子なり。 Thereafter Nari ├ Kimiko in as (very often) 18 Akira Akira quality statement. → 文質彬彬 → Akira Akira quality statement ├19 人の生くるは直(なお)し。 ├ 19 people will live, straight (Nao). これを罔(し)いて生くるは、幸(さいわい)にして免ぬがるるなり。 Kuru raw, Nari Ru isolation set to take off (fortunately) but luck罔(teeth) this. ├20 これを知る者はこれを好む者に如かず。 ├ who know this Gotoku 20 is not a person like this. これを好む者はこれを楽しむ者に如かず。 Those who prefer this not to those who enjoy this ga. ├21 中人(ちゅうじん)以上には、以て上(かみ)を語(つ)ぐべきなり。 ├ word (one) of 21 or more people (renal parking), the tool should be the Nari (paper) in view of above. 中人以下には、以て上を語ぐべからざるなり。 People below the middle, forced Nari Bekara language tool in view of the above. ├22 樊遅、知・仁を問う - 民の義を務め、鬼神を敬してこれを遠ざく、知と謂うべし。 ├ ask樊遅22, Jin Chi - annoying to say far, this knowledge and serve the righteousness of the people, by Kei a demon. 仁者は難きを先にして獲るを後にす。 Jin is an after the win ahead to the Kataki. 仁と謂うべし。 I should say仁. ├23 知者は水を楽しみ、仁者は山を楽しむ。 23 ├ wise enjoy the water, enjoy the mountain man of virtue. 知者は動き、仁者は静かなり。 Wise move, quiet man of virtue will Nari. 知者は楽しみ、仁者は寿(いのちなが)し。 Fun wise, is the man of virtue Kotobuki (but life). ├27 博く文を学びて、これを約するに礼を以てせば、亦た以て畔(そむ)かざるべきか。 To learn rather than statements ├ Hiroshi 27, promises to be revamped thanks to this, the banks (Som) should you decorate was also in view of. → 博文約礼 → about Rei Hirofumi ├28 孔子、南を見る - 予(わ)が否(すまじ)き所の者は、天これを厭(た)たん。 28 ├ see Confucius, to the south - no (was) this heaven (I) whether a person where ki (same SUMA), the pre-tan. 天これを厭たん。 Tan hate this heaven. ├29 中庸の徳たるや、其れ至れるかな。 ├ barrel and in virtue of moderation 29, how is Ru其reach. → 『中庸』 → "moderation" └30 子貢、仁を問う - 仁者は己れ立たんと欲して人を立て、己れ達せんと欲して人を達す。 └ both contribute 30 children, the仁- make a person wants and is not self-standing humanitarian Re, reached a person wants and does not reach self-Re.
07 述而(じゅつじ) 第七凡37章 07 Thus predicates (same predicate) Chapter 37 unforced seventh ├01 述(の)べて作らず、信じて古(いにしえ)を好む。 ├ 01 it should not make predicate (s), prefer the (ancient) old believe. ├02 黙してこれを識(しる)し、学びて厭(いと)わず、人を誨(おし)えて倦(う)まず。 The 02 identified ├ muted (or know) this and learn slightly disagreeable (Ito),誨ete (dumb)倦first (c) a person. ├03 徳の脩めざる、学の講ぜざる、義を聞きて徙(うつ)る能(あた)わざる、不善の改むる能わざる、是れ吾が憂いなり。 ├徙function Ru (depression) (was there) Ru deeds, not Atau Aratamu of unskillful, Shingo Re Nari desperately sad to hear of virtue Osamu strainer first 03, not taken by science, righteousness. ├05 甚だしいかな、吾が衰えたるや。 ├ tremendous kana 05, cracking Ya Tari wane. 久し、吾れ復た夢に周公を見ず。 Without looking at the public eaves lap in a dream, was Re restore us. ├06 士人とは - 道に志し、徳に依り、仁に依り、芸に游(あそ)ぶ。 Shijin and 06 ├ - aspire on the road, according to virtue, according to Jin, Yu gay hump (Aso). ├07 束脩(そくしゅう)を行うより以上は、吾れ未だ嘗(かつ)て誨(おし)うること無くんばあらず。 ├ more than do the (registration fee) 07 registration fee is not without someんif (pressed)誨嘗sell it (win) Re吾yet. ├08 憤(ふん)せずんば啓せず。 Scripture without indignation ├ 08 if not (droppings). 悱(ひ)せずんば発せず。 Not emit悱(Day) I must. 一隅を挙げてこれに示し、三隅を以て反えらざれば、則ち復たせざるなり。 Shown in this corner cited, if not obtained revamped anti Misumi, Nari not make myself understood of course law condensate. ├10 顔回に謂いて曰わく - これを用うれば則ち行い、これを舎(す)つれば則ち蔵(かく)る。 ├ Notamawa but rather the so-called 10 times in the face - if ur doing this for a law course, sha (a) if this vine cellar rule Ru Chi (nuclear). 唯だ我と爾(なんじ)と是れあるかな。 Is there any other but only是Re Wareto and Shinji (thou). →用舎行蔵 → Kozo house for ├─ 子路に諭す - 暴虎馮河(ぼうこひょうが)して死して悔いなき者は、吾れ与(とも)にせざるなり。 ├ ─ admonish a child path - an without regrets, without Nari (co) given by Re吾in death Bokohyoga (Bokohyoga). → 暴虎馮河 → Bokohyoga ├─ 必ずや事に臨(のぞ)みて懼(おそ)れ、謀(ぼう)を好みて成さん者なり。 ├ ─懼as (hyperemesis), forming a tripartite Te Nari liking (BARS) cabal to things appearing to see (I'll) of surely. ├11 富(とみ)にして求むべくんば、執鞭(しつべん)の士と雖も、吾れ亦たこれを為さん。 ├ should not be wanted by the (wealth) 11 wealth, professional and雖also take whip (not one you should), but it was also made 吾Re. 如(も)し求むべからずんば、吾が好む所に従わん。 If you wanted to be如not (also), I do not follow where Shingo likes. ├13 斉に在して韶を聞く - 三月、肉の味を知らず。 Listen to it extends to asymmetric韶├ - 13 March, did not know the taste of the meat. ├14 伯夷・叔斉、仁を求めて仁を得たり。 ├ asking you to get Jin-夷叔斉Earl 14, Jin. 又た何ぞ怨みん。 I do not sizzle was also a mystery. ├15 疏食(そし)を飯(くら)い水を飲み、肱(ひじ)を曲げてこれを枕とす。 ├ drink well water (dark) to rice (reproach)疏食15, this pillow and bend the (elbow) elbow. 楽しみ亦(ま)た其の中に在り。 In it was (or) also fun. ├─ 不義にして富み且つ貴きは、我れに於て浮雲(ふうん)の如とし。 ├ ─ Totoki rich and to the injustice, the floating cloud of如and (unfortunately) to Re Te at us. ├18 葉公、子路に問う - 其の人と為りや、 憤りを発して食を忘れ、楽しみて以て憂いを忘れ、老いの将に至らんとするを知らざるのみ。 Both public ├ leaf 18, a child path - only we did not know and its people and, forget the food originated resentment, forget the sorrow in view of Te fun, and does not lead to将of old age. → 発憤忘食 → 忘食be inspired ├19 我は生まれながらにしてこれを知る者に非らず。 Our 19 non ├ regardless who know this by the birth. 古(いにしえ)を好み、敏にして以てこれを求めたる者なり。 Prefer the (ancient) old, who Stately Nari in view of this request to the T.. ├20 子、 怪力乱神を語らず。 ├ 20 children, does not talk about supernatural things. ├21 我れ三人行なえば必ず我が師を得(う)。 If done ├ three people as we always get 21 (c) to my master. 其の善き者を択びてこれに従う。 Who choose to follow this by its good. 其の善からざる者にしてこれを改む。 I Aratamu this by anざるfrom its goodness. ├22 天、徳を予(わ)れに生(な)せり。 ├ scheduled to Re (I) live bidding (such) 22 heaven, virtue. 桓魋(かんたい)其れ予れを如何とす。 And how the pre-桓魋Re Re其(fleet). ├24 子、四つを以て教う。 ├ 24 children, four U revamped education. 文、行、忠、信。 Sentence, line, however, faith. ├25 善人は吾れ得てこれを見ず。 ├ 25 is not good to see this getting吾Re. 恒(つね)ある者を見るを得ば、斯れ可なり。 If you get a look at who (always) some constant, Re Nari allowed therein. ├26 子、釣(つり)して綱(こう)せず。 ├ 26 children, (way) I do not rope fishing (or fishing). 弋(よく)して宿を射ず。 弋to shoot without accommodation (well). ├27 多く聞きて其の善き者を択(えら)びてこれに従い、多く見てこれを識(しる)す Many ├ heard 27 accordance with this selection and Te (gills), many look to identify (know) who it its good ├28 其の進むに与(くみ)するなり。 Participate in its 28 ├ I go to Nari (Kumi). 其の退くに与せざるなり。 I Nari Azukasuru to withdraw its not. ├29 仁遠からんや。 29 Jin Ya ├ んnear future. 我れ仁を欲すれば、斯(ここ)に仁至る。 If we want a仁Re, leading to仁(here) therein. ├33 これを為して厭(いと)わず、人を誨(おし)えて倦(う)まず ├ have made it slightly disagreeable 33 (Ito),誨ete (dumb)倦first (c) the person ├35 奢(おご)れば則ち不孫(ふそん)、倹なれば則ち固(いや)し。 35 grandchildren treat non-law course ├ lever (ogo) (not bran), it becomes solid倹ちlaw (or hate). 其の不孫ならんよりは寧(むし)ろ固しかれ。 Ran is a grandson from its non-filtered and evaporated take (insect) Ning. ├36 君子は坦(たいら)かに蕩蕩(とうとう)たり。 Tan finally ├ crab (flat) or 36 gentleman (finally). 小人は長(とこしな)えに戚戚(せきせき)たり。 For example long product (Toko) or Child戚戚(Sekiseki). └37 子は温にして厲(はげ)し、威にして猛ならず。 └ temperature set to 37厲child (or bald), not by the threat Takeshi. 恭(うやうや)しくして安し。 Yasushi to properly (Ya shall we shag) today.
08 泰伯(たいはく) 第八凡21章 (Taebaek) Chapter 21 08 unforced eighth Earl of Taizhou ├01 泰伯は其れ至徳と謂うべきのみ。 Earl ├ Taizhou should say only 01 Shitoku Re其. 三たび天下を以て譲る。 I concede revamped world third time. 民得て称すること無し。 People without getting called. ├02 君子、親(しん)に篤ければ、則ち民仁に興こる。 If Atsukere ├ Kimiko 02, the parent (Shin), to elaborate Xing Jin Chi people rule. ├04 曾子、病床で曰わく - 鳥の将(まさ)に死なんとするや、其の鳴くこと哀し。 Rather ├ Notamawa曾子04, in bed - and do not die in Ya (Masa)将of birds, its rather sad that. 人の将に死なんとするや、其の言うことや善し。 Ya, and do not die in将human, and you say that its good. ├05 曾子曰わく - 能を以て不能に問い、多きを以て寡(すく)なきに問い、有れども無きが若(ごと)く、 Rather ├ Notamau曾子05 - so as not to ask revamped performance, ask revamped Big widow (hungry) to defunct Even otherwise there is youth come (every) ├─ 実(み)つれども虚しきが若く、犯されて校(むく)いず。 Even real ├ ─ Munashiki younger Tsure (only), school (strip) are not being fucked. ├07 曾子曰わく - 士は以て弘毅(こうき)ならざるべからず。 Rather ├ Notamawa曾子07 - (late) Koki officer is not to be not in view of. 任重くして道遠し。 Toshi way to heavy responsibility. ├─ 仁以て己が任と為す、亦(ま)た重からずや。 ├ ─ makes with his own responsibility in view of Jin, Ya First Kasanekara (for you) also. 死して後已(や)む、亦た遠からずや。 Ya已soon after (and) was also, and no death. ├08 詩に興こり、礼に立ち、楽に成る。 In verse 08 cholyl ├ Xing, standing in the bow, it will become easier. ├09 民はこれに由(よ)らしむべし。 09 people should be derived from the sim ├ (yo) to this. これを知らしむべからず。 I did not know this should shim. ├10 勇を好みて貧しきを疾(にく)むは、乱なり。 ├ disease-free (meat), the turbulent Nari poor taste the courage Te 10. 人にして不仁なる、これを疾むこと已甚(はなはだ)しきは、乱なり。 Inhumanity to man will be, (woefully) expression, peeled and Nari turbulent已甚this disease. ├12 三年学びて穀(こく)に至らざるは、得やすからざるのみ。 ├ not come to (rich) grain, the bran can be easily obtained with only three 12-year study. ├13 篤く信じて学を好み、死を守りて道を善くす。 ├ prefer science believe Atsuku 13, well the road defend the death. 危邦(きほう)には入らず、乱邦には居らず。 Does not enter into (Kiho)危邦, there is no federal turbulent. 天下道あれば則ち見(あらわ)れ、 If you look at world road rules are of course (bare), ├─ 道なければ則ち隠る。 Without law ├ ─ hidden road course. 邦に道あるに、貧しくして且つ賎(いや)しきは恥なり。 In some way in the country, equation (yea) The Terraces Nari and shame the poor. 邦に道なきに、富て且つ貴きは恥なり。 Without the road, Totoki wealth and Te Nari shame to country. ├14 其の位に在らざれば、其の政(まつりごと)を謀(はか)らず。 ├ if its not in the position 14, its government cabal Laz (grave) and (government). →憲問14-27,28 君子は思うこと其の位を出でず。 → Kimiko 14-27,28 are out of the question Ken does not think that its place. ├16 狂にして直ならず、侗(とう)にして愿(げん)ならず、悾悾(こうこう)にして信ならず。 Not directly to the mad ├ 16, set to (for example) without侗applicant (down), not to trust to悾悾(high school). 吾れはこれを知らず。 Re We did not know this. ├17 学は及ばざるが如くするも、猶(な)おこれを失わんことを恐る。 Studies ├ 17 also does not extend to Gotoku, afraid that you do not lose this (such) should be noted. ├20 (文王、西伯と為りて)天下を三分して其の二を有(たも)ち、以て殷に服事す。 Yes of course you can ├ clothes to Yin (Tamo), in view of the its two to three minutes to world 20 (Te sentence becomes king, and Saihaku). 周の徳は、其れ至福と謂うべきのみ。 Zhou virtue, should be called only其Re bliss. →天下三分 → three minutes天下 └21 禹は吾れ間然(かんぜん)とすること無し。 └ woo 21 to Kanzen Re吾and without (full).
09 子罕(しかん) 第九凡32章 (Relaxation) Chapter 32 09 unforced ninth child罕 ├01 子、罕(まれ)に利と命と仁とを言う。 01 ├ child, and say the interest in Jin and life (rare)罕. ├02 吾れは何を執(と)らんか、御(ぎょ)を執らんか、射(しゃ)を執らんか。 ├ I Ran (with), why not take the (Gyo) what your take, Re吾02 Do not you take the (companies) morphism. 吾れは御を執らん。 Re吾will not take us. ├04 子、四を絶つ。 04 ├ child, cut off four. 意なく、必なく、固なく、我なし。 Without meaning, without need, without solid, without us. ├05 天の未(いま)だ斯の文を喪ぼさざるや、匡人(きょうひと)其れ予(わ)れを如何(いかん)とす。 ├ colander and Saぼmourning, and (transferred) how reserve the Re (I) Re其(people today) Masato斯statements but (now) not in heaven 05. ├06 多能多芸 - 吾れ少(わかく)して賎(いや)し。 Multipotent versatility ├ - 06 to (young) Re吾little Shizu (or hate). 故に鄙事(ひじ)に多能なり。 Nari pluripotent thing chicks (the elbow) therefore. ├07 多能多芸 - 吾れ試(もち)いられず、故に芸あり Multipotent versatility ├ 07 - It 吾test not be there (rice cake), and therefore art ├09 鳳鳥(ほうちょう)至らず、河(か)、図(と)を出ださず。 Feng ├ Birds 09 (knife) was not enough, the river (or), without leaving out the () and Fig. 吾れ已(や)んぬるかな。 Kana painted已do (or) Re Shingo. ├11 顔回の孔子評 - これを仰げば彌(いよいよ)高く、これを鑽(き)れば彌々堅し。 Confucius ├ evaluation of face 11 times - ask if this (finally) yea high,鑽if Re (continued) Katashi people hate it. ├13 子貢問う - これを沽(う)らんかな、これを沽らんかな。 Asked 13 children contribute ├ - Ran沽kana (c), how this沽this orchid. 我れは賈(こ)を待つ者なり。 Re Nari who we are waiting for the (co) Kah. ├17 川の上(ほとり)で - 逝く者は斯(か)くの如きか。 On the river ├ 17 (banks) - who, as of the coming or going斯(or). 昼夜を舎(や)めず。 Sha (or) Bato of the day or night. ├18 吾れ未だ徳を好むこと色を好むが如くする者を見ざるなり。 Nari ├ without looking as if those who prefer the color that still prefer the virtues Re吾18. ├19 止(や)むは吾が止むなり。 ├ stop 19 (or) non-stop cracking Nari. 進むは吾が往くなり。 Nari yuku advance cracking. ├21 顔回を評す - 吾れ其の進むを見るも、未だ其の止むを見ざるなり。 ├ reputed to face 21 times - looking at the progress its Re吾, I do not see a cease its still Nari. ├23 後生(こうせい)畏(おそ)るべし。 23 awe ├ afterlife (welfare) to be Ru (hyperemesis). 焉(いずく)んぞ来者(らいしゃ)の今に如(し)かざるを知らんや。 Ya do not know whether the forced (teeth)如to now come in an (Raikuruma)焉each do (district size). → 後生可畏 → Yes awe epigenetic ├─ 四十五十にして聞こゆること無くんば、斯れ亦た畏るるに足らざるのみ。 ├ ─んif you listen without loose forty-five ten you only less than awe was also sorry to Re therein. ├25 忠信を主とし、己に如(し)かざる者を友とすること無かれ。 ├ mainly with Tadanobu 25, Nakare be a friend who (teeth)如to decorate yourself. 過てば則ち改むるに憚(はば)かること勿かれ。 Be not take it (width) reluctant to take it and rule Aratamu course. ├26 三軍も帥を奪うべきなり。 Nari ├ Shuai also be deprived of army 26. 匹夫も志しを奪うべからざるなり。 Nari not even aspire to be deprived of their hips. ├28 子路、終身これを誦(しょう)す - 忮(そこな)わず求めず、何を用(もっ)てか臧(よ)からざらん。 ├ Road 28 children,誦Su (Sho) this life - I do not忮without asking (it there) for what (have) quite commonん臧from (yo) Heck. ├29 歳(とし)寒くして、然る後に松柏(しょうはく)の彫(しぼ)むに後(おく)るることを知る。 ├ (and) 29-year-old to cold, know that the Ru (back) after one and (grain) of carved Shohaku (Shohaku) to Thereafter. ├30 知者は惑わず、仁者は憂えず、勇者は懼(おそ)れず。 ├ wise 30 is not deluded, who does not grieve仁,懼not been brave (hyperemesis). └32 唐棣(とうてい)の華(はな)、偏(へん)として其れ反せり。 └ Hana (possibly) (flower), anti Seri Re其as (Hen) 32 Tang棣polarization. 豈に爾(なんじ)を思わざらんや、室是れ遠ければなり(逸詩) The brother and not quite common to think Shinji (thou), reside farther if Re是room (poem逸)
10 郷党(きょうとう) 第十凡23章 Kyoto 10 (assistant principal) Chapter 23 unforced tenth ├01 孔子、郷党(きょうとう)に於て恂恂如(じゅんじゅんじょ)たり。 Or ├ (Junjun woman) at Te如Makoto Makoto (the assistant principal) Confucius 01, Kyoto. 言うこと能(あた)わざる者に似たり。 similar to a colander or I (was there) ability to say. ├09 席正しからざれば、坐せず。 If Zare ├ Tadashikara 09 seats, without Suwasuru. ├10 郷人(きょうじん)の飲酒には、杖者(じょうじゃ)出ずれば、斯こに出ず。 ├ (Uehebi) If Ru without leaving an cane, people drinking Township 10 (madman) does not appear in this therein. ├13 厩(うまや)焚(や)けたり、子、朝(ちょう)より退きて曰わく、人を傷(そこな)えりや。 ├ fired 13 stables (stables) or K (or), the child (and there) and Eri Notamau retreated from scratch rather than (butterfly) morning, the people. 馬を問わず。 Regardless of the horse. → 厩火事 (落語) → fire stables (storyteller) ├17 君、命じて召せば、駕(が)を俟(ま)たずして行く。 ├ you 17, if ordered female, I was not going to (or) coupled to (but) is. ├18 大廟に入りて、事ごとに問う。 ├ into 18 large temple, ask every thing. └23 山梁(さんりょう)の雌雉(しち)、時なるかな、時なるかな。 └ kana will (cytidine), when, how will beam when female pheasant mountain 23 (Sanryo).
11 先進(せんしん) 第十一凡26章 11 advanced (not Sensuru) Legend eleventh chapter 26 ├01 先進の礼楽に於けるや、野人なり。 And in the advanced ├ Reigaku 01, Nari yeti. 後進の礼楽に於けるや、君子なり。 And in the younger Reigaku, Nari gentleman. ├03 孔門十哲 - 徳行には顔淵、閔子騫、冉伯牛、仲弓、言語には宰我、子貢、政事には冉有、季路、文学には子游、子夏。 Confucius' Ten Disciples ├ hole gate 03 - Yu child, to face Noriyuki yeon,騫閔子, cattle冉伯, bow relationship, in our language-jae, contributing child, Sage冉有, road season, summer child to literature. ├05 閔子騫を評す - 孝なるかな、閔子騫(びんしけん)。 ├ reputed to騫閔子05 - kana become Takashi (brooding bottle)騫閔子. 人、其の父母昆弟(こんてい)を間(かん)するの言あらず。 There is no word to (Kan) between the (underlying) people, its parents, brother Kunming. ├09 顔淵(顔回)死す - 噫(ああ)、天、予(われ)を喪(ほろ)ぼせり、天、予を喪ぼせり。 09 Death abyss ├ face (face time) - 噫(ah), Seri Seri vase mourning (holo) Bol, heaven, the pre-mourning the (our) heaven, pre. ├10 顔淵死す - 子これを哭して慟(どう)す。 ├ face death abyss - 10 (copper) and the慟Kokusuru this child. 夫(か)の人の為めに慟するに非らずして、誰が為にかせん。 The non regardless慟in order for people to (how) husband, who is for the river. ├11 顔淵死す - 回や、予(わ)れを視ること猶(な)お父のごとし。 ├ face death abyss - 11 times and, seen reserve the Re (I) It should be noted that as the father (Do). 予れは視ること猶お子のごとくすることを得ず。 May not, as of a child should be noted that the view that the pre-Re. ├12 子路、鬼神を問う - 未だ人に事(つか)うること能わず、焉(いずく)んぞ能く鬼(き)に事えん。 Ask ├ Road 12 children, the demon - not Atau that (several) to sell things people do not serve to (continued) demon skilfully焉each do (district size) yet. 未だ生を知らず、焉んぞ死を知らん。 Students did not know yet, I do not know Izukunzo death. ├15 子路の瑟(しつ) - 由や堂に升(のぼ)れり。 瑟├ path 15 children (quality) - and masterful升reason that Ru (climb). 未だ室に入らざるなり。 Nari I still do not enter the room. → 堂に入る → enter the hall ├16 子張と子夏 - 過ぎたるは猶お及ばざるがごとし。 Zhang and summer ├ child 16 children - Tari expired does not extend as Nao. ├17 冉求を謗って曰く - 吾が徒に非らざるなり。 ├ said to insult冉求17 - Nari Razaru our non-student. 小子、鼓を鳴らしてこれを攻めて可なり。 Yes Nari attacked this small child sounded, the drums. ├19 顔回と子貢 - 回や其れ庶(ちか)きか、屡(しばしば)空(むな)し。 ├ tribute and child face time - 19庶(underground) Listen Re其times and, often (often empty) requires (free). 賜(し)は命を受けずして貨殖す。 (C) the moneymaking to life without the gift. 億(おもんばか)れば則ち屡中(あた)る。 Often in (consider) one hundred million lever rule Ru Chi (was there). ├20 子張、善人の道を問う - 迹(あと)を践(ふ)まず、亦た室に入らず。 Zhang asked the road ├ 20 children, the good - Applied Field (full) first, and the other without entering the room (after) pursuit. ├22 冉求と子路 - 求や退く、故にこれを進む。 And child road ├冉求22 - seeking and retire, I will therefore proceed to this. 由や人を兼ぬ、故にこれを退く。 Bran and the human reason and, therefore I retired from this. ├23 顔回と匡の危難 - 子在(いま)すに、回何ぞ敢えて死せん。 Tadashi ├ danger of times and face - 23 child standing in the nest (now), I do not dare mystery Dead times. ├25 子路、曰わく - 民人あり、社稷(しゃしょく)あり、何ぞ必ずしも書を読みて然る後に学と為さん。 ├ Road 25 children, rather than Notamau - there are two people (Sajik) in Sajik, he has not made a study of the Thereafter necessarily been reading the mystery. └26 曾皙の志 - 吾れは点に与(くみ)せん。 Journal of曾皙└ 26 - We do not participate in point Re (Kumi).
12 顔淵(がんえん) 第十二凡24章 Face abyss 12 (rock salt) Chapter 24 unforced twelfth ├01 顔回、仁を問う - 己れを克(せ)めて礼に復(かえ)るを仁と為す。 ├ face 01 times, both the Jin and - (a) a self-made Re仁and restore the (by volume buying) to thank the first time. 一日己れを克めて礼に復れば、天下仁に帰す。 Re克be restored to collectively thank the Re yourself one day, attributed to仁world. → 克己復礼 → Rei recovery Katsumi ├─ 仁を為すは己れに由(よ)る。 Re ├ ─ to reason himself made a仁is Ru (yo). 而(しか)して人に由らんや。 Thus it does not depend on human Ya (deer). ├─ 礼に非ざれば視ること勿(な)かれ、礼に非ざれば聴くこと勿れ、礼に非ざれば言うこと勿れ、礼に非ざれば動くこと勿れ。 ├ ─ should be not be viewed thanks unto the non-Zare (such), are non-Zare be not be heard if Rei, be not to say that it was thanks to the non-Zare, Zare should be not to move the non-bow. ├04 司馬牛、君子を問う - 内に省(かえり)みて疚(やま)しからずんば、夫(そ)れ何をか憂え何をか懼(おそ)れん。 ├ ask Sima 04 cattle, the gentleman - (mountain) in the province if not seeming疚look (return), or sorrow what her husband was (it) or what懼Ren (hyperemesis). ├05 司馬牛憂い、子夏諭す - 君子は敬して失なく、人と恭(うやうや)しくして礼あらば、四海の内は皆な兄弟たり。 Sima 05 cattle ├ sad expostulation, summer child - without loss to Kei gentleman, if you properly thank Ara (Ya shall we c)恭people and all of the Shikai is Tari brothers. → 四海兄弟 → Shikaikeitei ├07 子貢、政を問う - 食を去らん。 ├ any child 07 tribute, the government - do not leave the food. 古(いにしえ)より皆な死あり、 民は信なくんば立たず。 Death from everyone there (ancient) old people should not stand without trustん. →無信不立 → standing non-free communication ├08 子貢、棘子成を評す - 駟も舌に及ばず。 Reputed to contribute 08 ├ child, a son spine - it is also not reach the tongue. 文は猶お質のごときなり、質は猶お文のごときなり。 Quality of your statement is as Nao, Nao quality Nari, such as your statement. ├10 子張、徳を問う - これを愛しては其の生を欲し、これを悪(にく)みては其の死を欲す。 Zhang asked ├ 10 children, the virtues - love it wants its raw, evil look (meat) wants this its death. ├11 斉景公、政を問う - 君 君たり、臣 臣たり、父 父たり、子 子たり。 Qi Jing ├ public question 11, the government - you or you, or Masaomi, father or father, son or child. ├14 子張、政を問う - これに居りては倦(う)むこと無く、これを行うには忠を以てす。 Zhang asked ├ 14 children, the government - and this will have to be revamped Tadashi without倦no (c), to do this. ├15 博(ひろ)く文を学びて、これを約するに礼を以てせば、亦た以て畔(そむ)かざるべき。 ├ (Hiro) and learn the sentence Hiroshi Ku 15, promises to be revamped thanks to this, the banks (Som) to be decorated was also in view of. ├16 君子は人の美を成す。 ├ gentleman made the beauty of the human 16. 人の悪を成さず。 Of people do no evil. 小人は是れに反す。 Child contrary to Re是. ├17 季康子、政を問う - 政とは正なり。 Yasuko ask ├ season 17, the government - and the government Nari positive. 子帥(ひき)いて正しければ、孰(たれ)か敢えて正しからざらん。 Shuai child are correct (pull), or dare Tadashikara quite commonん(Sauce)孰. ├18 季康子、盗を憂う - 苟(いやし)くも子の不欲ならば、これを賞すと雖(いえ)ども竊(ぬす)まざらん。 Yasuko lament ├ season 18, the theft -竊our (house) (the bran)雖Mazarin (healing) if the child's non-greed clouds苟, and Shosuru this. ├19 季康子、政を問う - 君子の徳は風なり、小人の徳は草なり。 Yasuko ask ├ season 19, the government - will wind gentleman virtue, virtue of Child Nari grass. 草、これに風を上(くわ)うれば、必らず偃(ふ)す。 Grass, to be sold on this (hoe) the wind, dam (full) and imperative. ├20 子張、達を問う - 達なる者は、質直にして義を好み、言を察して色を観、慮(はか)って以て人に下る。 Zhang ├ 20 children ask us, - righteousness like to direct quality, watch the color guessed the word, who will we, the people down to me in view of (tomb) considered. ├21 樊遅、徳を問う - 事を先にして得ることを後にするは、徳を崇くするに非ずや。 ├ ask樊遅21, the virtue - after that you obtained in the earlier things, to come to hide Ya First Takashi virtue. ├─ 其の悪を攻めて人の悪を攻むること無きは、慝(とく)を脩むるに非ずや。 ├ ─ Naki can attack the evil of human non-Ru attacked its evil, the First Ya Osamu the non-free Ru (special)慝. ├22 樊遅、仁を問う - 直(なお)きを挙げて諸(こ)れを枉(まが)れるに錯(お)けば、能く枉れる者をして直からしめん。 ├ ask樊遅22,仁- mustard noodles straight to the person who is complex枉fluff (us), rather than ability to be (or is)枉the Re (child) cites various ki (Nao) straight. ├23 子貢、友を問う - 忠告して善を以てこれを道びく。 Ask ├ contribute 23 children, a friend - this revamped budge road to good advice. 不可なれば則ち止(や)む。 Of course stopping rule (and) will not be without it. 自ら辱(はずかし)めらるること無かれ。 Nakare sorry that camera (shame) shame herself. └24 曾子曰わく - 君子は文を以て友を会し、友を以て仁を輔(たす)く。 └ rather Notamawa曾子24 - Cais gentleman is a friend revamped sentence, Shinsuke (+) Hitoshi friend came revamped.
13 子路(しろ) 第十三凡30章 Road 13 children (a) Chapter 30 unforced thirteenth ├01 子路、政を問う - これに先んじ、これを労す。 ├ any child path 01, the government - ahead of this, this Rosuru. 益を請う。 I beg gain. 倦(う)むこと無かれ。 Nakare倦that no (c). ├02 仲弓、政を問う - 有司を先にし、小過(しょうか)を赦(ゆる)し、賢才を挙げよ。 ├ any relationship bow 02, the government - to first, Yuji, forgiveness (or slow) the (fire fighting) over small, like a man of ability. ├03 子路を諭す - 君子は其の知らざる所に於ては、蓋闕如(かつけつじょ)たり。 ├ admonish the child path 03 - The gentleman at the Te, or Ketsujo lid (and lack) without knowing its place. ├─ 名正しからざれば則ち言順わず、言順わざれば則ち事成らず。 ├ ─ slight word order rules of course if Zare Tadashikara name, of course it does not become law if Re order language skills. → 正名論 → theory correct name ├─ 君子はこれに名づくれば必ず言うべきなり。 ├ ─ Nari gentleman is always to say if this name Zuku Ru. これを言えば必ず行うべきなり。 You should make sure to be saying this Nari. 君子、其の言に於て、苟(いやし)くもする所なきのみ。 Te at Kimiko, in its language, where only without苟(healing) the spider. ├04 樊遅、稼を問う - 四方の民、其の子を襁負(きょうふ)して至らん。 ├ ask樊遅04,稼- not enough to襁負(godfather) square people, its children. ├06 其の身正しければ、令せざれども行わる。 ├ correct its only 06, Will be Done Even without Ryosuru. 其の身正しからざれば、令すと雖(いえど)も従わず。 I do not even follow雖(eg say) if its only Tadashikara Zare, and Ryosuru. ├08 衛の公子荊を評す - 苟(いささ)か合う。 Described as the prince of Wei ├ thorn 08 - or fit (Sa Isa)苟. 苟か完(まった)し。 Do I have complete苟(waited). 苟か美(よ)し。 The (good) or苟beauty. ├10 苟(いやしく)も我れを用うる者あらば、期月(きげつ)のみにして可ならん。 If Ara ├ us who sell for a Re苟ten (humbly), must not be allowed to come to only Mon (Monday Thursday). 三年にして成すこと有らん。 I do not have to be made in three years. ├11 善人、邦(くに)を為(おさ)むること百年、亦た以て残に勝ちて殺を去るべしと。 Good ├ 11, should leave the killing Te wins in a hundred years that in view of the remaining non-Ru (the us), was also for the (country) country. 誠なるかな、是の言や。 Makoto will kana, and it is the word of是. ├12 如(も)し王者あらば、必ず世にして後に仁ならん。 If Ara ├如champion for 12 (even), not after it to the world仁always. ├13 苟(いやしく)も其の身を正せば、政に従うに於てか何か有らん。 ├ correct only if its苟than 13 (humbly), does not have anything to follow the government at Heck. 其の身を正しくすること能わざれば、人を正しくすることを如何せん。 If you can not correct yourself its Atau, Ikansen that the correct people. ├15 定公、盛国を問う - 君たること難(かた)し、臣たること易(やす)からず Both public ├ rated 15, the country Sheng - prince difficulty that (or how), serving as the Minister can not easily from (Yasu) ├─ 予(わ)れは君たることを楽しむこと無し。 ├ ─ Re (I) No prince can enjoy pre. 唯だ其の言にして予れに違うこと莫(な)きを楽しむなり As soon as I enjoy the ki (such) Re莫different things to its pre-set to word it only ├16 葉公、政を問う - 近き者説(よろこ)び、遠き者来たる。 Both public ├ leaf 16, the government - an Chikaki and theory (こYolo), coming a distant. ├17 子夏、政を問う - 速やかならんと欲すれば則ち達せず。 ├ summer 17 children, questioning the government - if I do not reach law course and want an immediate orchids. 小利を見れば則ち大事成らず。 Of course I did not become important rule if you look at the small interest. ├21 中行(ちゅうこう)を得てこれに与(くみ)せずんば、必ずや狂狷(きょうけん)か。 ├ (Kumi) If I do not get to participate in this (Chuko) in line 21, or definitely狷狂(authoritarian). 狂者は進みて取り、狷者は為さざる所あり。 Insane person takes to advance,狷者the place is not made. ├23 君子は和して同ぜず。 Kimiko ├ 23 is not the sum Dozuru. 小人は同じて和せず。 Children do not have the same sum. →和而不同 → same sum而不 ├25 君子は事(つか)え易(やす)くして説(よろこ)ばし難(がた)し。 For example ├ thing (or two) easy comb Te (Yasu) theory is difficult to place (come due) 25 gentleman (or play). 小人は事え難くして説ばし易し。 Children are easier said than hardly serve to bridge theory. ├26 君子は泰(ゆたか)にして驕らず、小人は驕りて泰ならず。 ├ Taizhou not treat it (the rich), Kimiko 26 Te Tai child does not become arrogance. ├27 剛毅朴訥、仁に近し。 ├ Chikashi unsophisticated fortitude 27, Hitoshi. → 剛毅木訥 → Bokutotsu fortitude └30 教えざる民を以て戦う、是れこれを棄(す)つと謂う。 └ fight revamped tell people not 30, and one said disposal (a) it was Shi.
14 憲問(けんもん) 第十四凡46章 (Checkpoints) chapter 46 14 unforced fourteenth question Ken ├01 原憲、恥を問う - 邦(くに)に道あれば穀(こく)す。 Ken ├ original question 01, the shame - the (rich) grain if there way to the (country) country. 邦に道なきに穀するは、恥なり。 The grain in the country without roads, the Nari shame. ├03 士にして居を懐(おも)うは、以て士と為すに足らず。 ├ bosom window (main) is not big enough to be made in view of a professional residence to the officer 03. ├04 邦(くに)に道有れば、言を危(はげ)しくし行を危しくす。 If there ├ road to (country) Kuni 04, Kusu you to crisis the row (bald) Ki Spread the word crisis. 邦に道無ければ、行を危しくして言は孫(したが)う。 If there is no way in the country, to correctly crisis lines saying grandchild window (but did). ├05 徳有る者は必ず言あり。 Those who have virtue ├ 05 is always saying. 言有る者は必ずしも徳あらず。 Those who have virtue always saying there is not. 仁者は必ず勇あり。 Jin Yong is an always will. 勇者必ずしも仁あらず。 There仁not necessarily brave. ├07 君子にして不仁なる者あらんか。 No longer do you ├ barbarity to the gentleman who 07. 未だ小人にして仁なる者あらざるなり。 I am not certain who will Nari仁still be a dwarf. ├11 貧しくして怨(うら)むこと無きは難(かた)く、富みて驕(おご)ること無きは易(やす)し。 The difficulty comes ├ poor 11 (shoulder), are rich treat that easy怨no Naki (back) is that Naki Ru (ogo) is (Yasu). ├13 子路、成人を問う - 利を見ては義を思い、危うきを見ては命(いのち)を授く、久要(きゅうよう)、平生の言を忘れざる ├ Road 13 children, both adults - look at the profit think righteousness, rather looking at Ayauki not forget the Professor (life) life, required a long time (rest), the word of Hirao ├16 二覇を評す - 晋の文公は、譎(いつわ)りて正しからず。 ├ reputed for supremacy 16 - Two public statements Jin, First Tadashikara Getdata it (by volume when I). 斉の桓公は、正しくして譎らず。 Tourist of Qi, regardless Getdata it correctly. ├17 管仲を評す - 斉桓公、諸侯を九合して、兵車を以てせざるは、管仲の力なり。 Described as a relationship 17 tube ├ - The nine tourist asymmetric case, the princes, revamped car without soldiers, the relationship is power tube. 其の仁に如(し)かんや、其の仁に如かんや。 Ya no Gotoku如cans or (c) in its仁in its仁. ├18 管仲を評す - 管仲、桓公を相けて諸侯に覇(は)たり、天下を一匡(いっきょう)す。 18 tube ├ described as a relationship - or supremacy (), and then (fun) where one world to the princes and Ke tube phase relationship, a tourist. 民、今に到(いた)るまで其の賜(し)を受く。 People, rather than receive (teeth) now leads to its gift to Ru (I was). ├─ 豈(あ)に匹夫匹婦の諒(まこと)を為し、自ら溝涜(こうとく)に経(くび)れて知らるること莫(な)きが若(ごと)くならんや。 ├ ─ made the (Makoto) Ryo of coarse men and women to (a) brother, his own groove涜Ru been known warp (neck) and (merit)莫young Kiga that (such) Ya will not come (for each) . ├21 其の言に怍(は)じざれば、則ちこれを為すこと難し。 If the language in its 21 ├怍Zare Ji (), and that made it difficult for youちlaw. ├24 子路、君に事(つか)えんことを問う - 欺(あざむ)くこと勿(な)かれ。 ├ Road 24 children, both things (or two) that you circle - (Do not) be not take that Clause (no bruises)欺. 而してこれを犯せ。 Thus nakedness then. ├25 古(いにしえ)の学者は己の為にし、今の学者は人の為にす。 Old scholar ├ 25 (ancient) is for himself, scholars are now for the people. ├26 蘧伯玉(きょはくぎょく)の使い - 夫子は其の過ち寡(すく)なからんことを欲して、未だ能(あた)わざるなり。 Your ball ├蘧伯26 (ball big shot) - The widow wants its mistakes (disk) from a wideんthat, I still function Confucius is forced Nari (was there). 使いなるかな、使いなるかな Do not use or will be, how will your ├27 其の位に在らざれば、其の政を謀(はか)らず。 ├ if its not in the position 27, cabal Razz (tomb) and its government. →泰伯08-14 → 08-14 Tai Haku ├28 曾子曰わく - 君子は思うこと其の位を出でず。 Rather ├ Notamawa曾子28 - are leaving the gentleman does not think that its place. →位卑しくして、言高きは罪なり(『孟子』万章) → The lowly position, the high word is sin (chapter million "Mencius") ├29 君子は其の言の、其の行に過ぐるを恥ず。 Kimiko ├ 29 Gourmet ashamed of saying its over, its line. ├30 仁者は憂えず、知者は惑わず、勇者は懼(おそ)れず。 30 humanitarian ├ without sorrow, the wise men are not confused, are not as brave懼(hyperemesis). ├31 子貢、人を方(たくら)ぶ - 賜(し)や、賢なるかな。 How ├ (Takla)ぶtribute 31 children, the people - and the gift (teeth), how will Ken. 夫(そ)れ我れは則ち暇(いとま)あらず。 Of course we have time law husband Re Re (it) is not there (free time). ├32 人の己を知らざることを患(うれ)えず、己れの能(のう)なきを患う。 ├ patients (Sell) not obtain that 32 people did not know his own, suffering (sac) without the ability of self-Re. →学而01-16・里仁04-14・衛霊公15-19 Public spirit, Mamoru 04-14 → 15-19 01-16 Satoni Thus, science ├33 詐(いつわ)りを逆(むか)えず、信ぜられざるを億(おもんばか)らず、抑(そもそも)亦た先ず覚る者は、是れ賢か。 ├ first person who knew (consider) Razz, was also suppressed (first place), you can not reverse Ken Re是one hundred million (angry) and (by volume 's time), but to be believe詐33. →先覚者 → pioneer ├35 驥(き)は其の力を称せず、其の徳を称す。 ├ (ki) is not referred to as its power Fri 35, referred to as its virtues. ├36 直きを以て怨みに報い、徳を以て徳に報ゆ。 ├ reward grudge revamped upright 36, reported to the virtueゆrevamped virtue. 対:怨みに報ゆるに徳を以てす(『老子』63章) ("Laozi" on page 63) reported to be revamped loose virtue grudge: Thailand ├37 天を怨みず、人を尤(とが)めず、下学(かがく)して上達す。 ├ sizzle not the heavens 37, Horsehead progress, under study (and is) to (science) Yu people. 我れを知る者は其れ天か。 Re其heaven or who know me Re. → 下学上達 → progress under study ├39 賢者は世を避く。 39 For more sage ├ avoid the world. 其の次は地を避く。 The next place rather avoid. 其の次は色を避く。 The next color rather avoid. 其の次は言を避く。 The next rather avoid the word. ├40 子路、石門に宿る - 是れ其の不可なることを知りて、而(しか)もこれを為す者か。 ├ child conceived path 40, Shimen - you know that you will not be its是Re, or the person who made this also Thus (deer). ├43 上、礼を好めば、則ち民使い易し。 ├ over 43, if you like the bow, I get peopleちeasier said than law. ├44 子路、君子を問う - 子の曰わく、己のれを脩めて以て敬す。 Ask ├ Road 44 children, a man of virtue - Keisuru collectively in view of the child Notamau Osamu rather, the level of his own. 己のれを脩めて以て人を安んず。 Osamu Yasunzuru people collectively in view of the level of his own. 己のれを脩めて以て百姓を安すんず。 Safety in view of the farmer without collectively Osamu the level of his own. ├45 原壌、夷して俟つ - 幼にして孫弟ならず、長じて述ぶること無く、老いて死せず。 ├ coupled two original soil 45, the barbarian - not brother to the young grandson, without hump length described by Ji, aged Undying. 是れを賊と為す。 Re是bandits and made a. 杖を以て其の脛(はぎ)を叩(う)つ。 Stick one leg revamped its叩(c) and (Hagi). └46 闕党(けっとう)の童子、命を将(おこ)なう - 益を求むる者に非ざるなり。 └ (your child)なう将Doji闕党46 (blood sugar), life - Nari who you wanted to gain non-strainer. 速みやかに成らんと欲する者なり。 Nari and who I want to become or notみやspeed.
15 衛霊公(えいれいこう) 第十五凡42章 Public spirit Mamoru 15 (Yeonggwangえい) Chapter 42 unforced fifteenth ├01 衛の霊公、陳(じん)を問う - 軍旅(ぐんりょ)の事は未だこれを学ばざるなり。 ├ public spirit of Mamoru 01, questioning the (dust) Chen - that of (soldiers) are still soldiers Nari not learn this. ├02 陳(ちん)に在(いま)して糧を絶つ。 ├ break the food in (that) 02 Chen在the (now). 従者病みて能く興(た)つこと莫(な)し。 Look Xing skilfully one squire disease (was) that莫(or such). ├─ 子路、慍(いか)って見えて曰わく、君子も亦た窮(きゅう)すること有るか - 君子固(もと)より窮す。 ├ ─ rather Notamau child path, I can see慍(squid), Is there a holiday that the (old) gentleman was also - at a loss than the (original) solid gentleman. 小人窮すれば斯(ここ)に濫(みだ)る。 Children at a loss if斯to (here) I濫Ru (but only). ├05 無為(むい)にして治まる者は其れ舜なるか。 ├ who subside to the (Mukurai) 05 or inaction will其Re Shun. 夫(そ)れ何をか為さんや。 Ya do what you are husband (it). 己れを恭(うやうや)しくして正しく南面するのみ。 Only the south face properly and correctly (Ya shall we c) Re恭the self. ├06 子張、行(おこない)を問う - 言 忠信、行 篤敬(とくけい)なれば、蛮貊(ばんぱく)の邦(くに)と雖(いえ)ども行なわれん。 Zhang asked ├ child 06, line (do) - Tadanobu, saying it will (especially silicon) Kei Atsushi rows, the (country) of the Federal蛮貊(Expo)雖(say) is not done us. ├07 直なるかな史魚(史鰌)。 Kana made history ├ fish straight 07 (loach history). 邦に道有るにも矢の如く、邦に道無きも矢の如し。 As of arrow road to even have a country, as well as arrows with no way to federal. ├─ 君子なるかな蘧伯玉(きょはくぎょく)。 ├ ─ kana gentleman will蘧伯ball (ball big shot). 邦に道有れば則ち仕え、邦に道無ければ則ち巻きてこれを懐(ふところ)にすべし。 For example specificationちlaw, should be (bosom) bosom wrapped this rule unless of course if there way to the country road to the country. ├08 知者は人を失わず、亦た言を失わず。 Wise ├ 08 without losing a man, was also without losing a word. ├09 志士仁人は、生を求めて以て仁を害すること無し。 ├ humanitarian Patriots 09, without prejudice to the nucleolus in view of seeking raw. 身を殺して以て仁を成すこと有り。 Have you ever made a killing in view of benevolence only. ├10 子貢、仁を為さんことを問う - 工(こう)、其の事を善くせんと欲すれば、必ず先ず其の器(き)を利(と)くす。 ├ question that made no contribution 10 children, the Jin - If want (way), and not that well its engineering, interest (and) your vessel Kusu its the (continued) First make sure. ├12 人にして遠き慮(おもんばか)り無ければ、必ず近き憂い有り。 ├ by the 12 people taken into distant if not (by volume consideration), there is always sorrow Chikaki. → 遠慮近憂 → Yu refrain from near ├13 已(や)んぬるかな。 Do not paint such ├已13 (or). 吾れ未だ徳を好むこと色を好むが如くする者を見ざるなり。 Nari not seen as a person who prefers the color you like virtue still吾Re. ├15 躬(み)自ら厚くして、薄く人を責むれば、則ち怨みに遠ざかる。 The thick ├ himself (only)躬15, no lever to blame people, far from the grudge of course thinly law. ├16 如之何(いかん)、如之何と曰わざる者は、吾れ如之何ともすること末(な)きのみ。 ├ end that what person吾nothing如之Re (transferred) What如之16,如之Notamau not only ki (Do). ├17 群居して終日、言 義に及ばず、好んで小慧(しょうけい)を行う。 ├ all day, does not reach the righteousness language gregariously 17, and (Hieroglyphics) small Hui willingly. 難いかな。 Kana hard. ├18 君子、義以て質と為し、礼以てこれを行い、孫以てこれを出だし、信以てこれを成す。 Kimiko ├ quality and made 18, in view of righteousness, and to do this in view of Rei, made this opening, in view of this signal in view of grandchildren. 君子なるかな。 Do you become gentleman. ├19 君子は能(のう)なきことを病(うれ)う。 Kimiko disease ├ 19 cormorant (ULE) function (sac) to be no. 人の己れを知らざることを病えず。 First example that the disease without knowing the person's self-Re. →学而01-16・里仁04-14・憲問14-32 Ken Q. 04-14 → 14-32 01-16 · · Satoni Thus science ├20 君子は世(よ)を沒(お)えて名の称せられざることを疾(にく)む。 Disease-free gentleman沒 ├ 20 (meat) that the name not be referred to as a forte (us) the world (yo). ├21 君子は諸(こ)れを己のれに求む。 21 ├ gentleman wanted to self-reports of the Re (child) countries. 小人は諸れを人に求む。 Child wanted to people the various levels. ├22 君子は矜(きょう)にして争わず、群して党せず。 Not compete in the矜├ (today), Kimiko 22 party without the group. ├23 君子は言を以て人を挙(あ)げず、人を以て言を廃せず。 First lift ├ behavior (a), 23 does not waste the word gentleman revamped revamped human human language. ├24 子貢問う、一言にして以て終身これを行うべき者ありや - 其れ恕(じょ)か。 Ask ├ contribute 24 children, should do so in view of the life and word to some people - It 其or Jo (F). 己のれの欲せざる所、人に施すことな勿(な)かれ。 At the level of his own greed without (such) take such things be not given to people. ├27 巧言は徳を乱る。 Flattery ├ 27 Ran Ru virtue. 小、忍びざれば、則ち大謀を乱る。 Small, if not bear, Ru Ran a large cabal law course. ├28 衆これを悪(にく)むも必ず察し、衆これを好むも必ず察す。 Always always guessed guessed ├ also no evil (meat) 28 this crowd, even like this crowd. ├29 人、能く道を弘(ひろ)む。 ├ 29 people, no Hiroshi (Hiro) the way skilfully. 道、人を弘むに非らず。 Non-free regardless Hiroshi road, people. ├30 過(あやま)ちて改めざる、是れを過ちと謂う。 ├ without change (accidentally) over 30 words, say the Re是mistake. ├31 吾れ嘗(かつ)て終日食らわず、終夜寝(い)ねず、以て思う。 ├ eat all day without it (win) 31 Shingo Re嘗, sleep overnight without sleep (stomach), I think that in view of. 益なし。 No gain. 学ぶに如(し)かざるなり。 如Nari forced to learn it or (teeth). ├32 君子は道を謀りて食を謀らず。 Kimiko ├ 32 does not aim to measure the road food. 耕して餒(う)え其の中(うち)に在り、学べば禄は其の中(うち)に在り。 There (in) its example in (c)餒plowing, Lu is in the (included) within it you learn. 君子は道を憂えて貧しきを憂えず。 Fearing the poor gentleman is not the way to grieve. ├34 君子は小知すべからずして、大受すべし。 Kimiko ├ 34 it should not Shochi, we should receive large. 小人は大受すべからずして、小知すべし。 Children will not be accepted by large, should be Shochi. ├35 民の仁に於けるや、水火よりも甚だし。 ├ Hanahadashi 35 people and in the nucleoli than watermelon. 水火は吾れ蹈(ふ)みて死する者を見る。 Watermelon see who look蹈Dead (Full) Re Shingo. 未だ仁を蹈みて死する者を見ざるなり。 Nari not see who I look蹈Hitoshi Dead yet. ├36 仁に当たりては、師にも譲らず。 ├ hitting 36 Hitoshi, also not give teacher. ├37 君子は貞にして諒ならず。 Kimiko 37 ├ Ryo not to the Sada. ├38 君に事(つか)えては、其の事を敬して其の食を後(あと)にす。 ├ forte thing (or two) is (after) after its diet to Kei that its on you 38. ├39 教えありて類(るい)なし。 The class is taught ├ 39 No (s). →陽貨17-02 → 17-02 positive currency ├40 道同じからざれば、相い為めに謀(はか)らず。 If you do not take the same road ├ 40, for the second phase are cabal Razz (tomb). ├41 辞は達するのみ。 ├ prefix only reach 41. └42 師を相(たす)くるの道なり。 Nari road └ phase (+) and 42 nurses to come.
16 季氏(きし) 第十六凡14章 (Carboxymethyl) Chapter 14 unforced Mr. sixteenth season 16 ├01 季氏、将に顓臾(せんゆ)を伐たんとす - 力を陳(の)べて列に就き、能わざれば止(や)む。 Su ├ with no depression (Yu Sen) Mr.顓臾season 01,将- should take the column (s) to force Chen, stop (or) if not Atau no. ├─ 国を有(たも)ち家を有つ者は寡(すく)なきを患(うれ)えずして均(ひと)しからざるを患え、貧しきを患えずして安からざるを患う。 ├ ─ suffering (people) the average scandalous patients (or sell) the widow can not (hungry) a defunct one person Yes (ash) from the home blood safety by not having a country suffering from poor I suffer from forced. ├02 天下道有れば、則ち政は大夫に在らず。 If there ├ 02 road world, of course the government is not there to Dayu law. 天下道あれば、則ち庶人は議せず。 If the road world, law does not Gisuru庶人course. ├04 益者三友 - 直きを友とし、諒(まこと)を友とし、多聞を友とするは、益なり。 Sanyu ├ beneficiaries 04 - upright and your friend, and your friend (Makoto) Ryo, and friend to Tumon, Nari gain. ├─ 損者三友 - 便辟(べんへき)を友とし、善柔を友とし、便佞(べんねい)を友とするは損なり。 ├ ─ Mitomo an loss - and a friend (hexane shouldん) Natural flight, and a soft good friend, and the friend the glorification (んNeiru should) is Nari loss. ├05 益者三楽 - 礼楽を節せんことを楽しみ、人の善を道(い)うことを楽しみ、賢友多きを楽しむは、益なり。 Beneficiaries ├ Sanraku, Inc. 05 - that does not enjoy the Reigaku Fushisuru, enjoy the way that the window (b) the good of the people, enjoy the Big friend Ken, Nari gain. ├─ 損者三楽 - 驕楽(きょうらく)を楽しみ、佚遊(いつゆう)を楽しみ、宴楽(えんらく)を楽しむは、損なり。 ├ ─ Sanraku, Inc. a loss - enjoy (Kyoraku) ogo music, enjoy the佚遊(Yu time), enjoy the Enraku (Enraku), the Nari loss. ├06 君子に侍するに三愆(さんけん)あり。 ├ (three branches) is three to wait upon the gentleman愆06. 躁(そう)、隠、瞽(こ) Manic (yeah), hidden,瞽(child) ├07 君子に三戒あり。 Commandment 07 is three ├ gentleman. 少(わか)き時は色に在り 壮なるに及んでは闘(とう)に在り 老いたるに及んでは得に在り。 When ki (Waka) is extended to become a little color in there壮spans old Tari located in (for example) is in the best fighting. ├08 君子に三畏(さんい)あり。 ├ (blessing) is a three-Kimiko 08 awe. 天命を畏れ、大人を畏れ、聖人の言を畏る。 Fear destiny, fear the adult, Ru awe the word of the saint. ├─ 小人は天命を知らずして畏れず、大人に狎(おそ)れ、聖人の言を侮る。 ├ ─ Children are not afraid to not know the destiny, as狎(hyperemesis), despised the word of the saint in the adult. ├09 困(くるし)みて学ばざる、民斯れを下(しも)と為す。 Without having to learn difficult ├ 09 (I come) to see, and made under (frost) the Re斯people. ├10 君子に九思あり。 ├ gentleman is making nine in 10. 視には明、聴には聡、色には温、貌には恭、言には忠、事には敬、疑には問、忿には難、得には義 To see Akira, Satoshi Hearer, the color temperature, the貌today, in saying, however, the thing is Kei, but I doubt the question, to忿the flame, to obtain the righteousness ├11 善を見ては及ばざるが如くし、不善を見ては湯を探る如くす。 It does not extend ├ Gotoku good look at the 11, look at the evil is as explore the hot water. ├12 伯夷・叔斉、首陽の下(もと)に餓う。 餓├ U (the original), under叔斉夷Earl 12 positive neck. 民今に到るまでこれを称す。 I referred to this people until now. 誠に富みを以てせず、亦た祗(ただ)に異を以てす。 Without rich indeed revamped and revamped to different (only) was also祗. ├13 陳亢(ちんこう)、伯魚(孔鯉)に問う - 一を問いて三を得たり。 Chen亢├ 13 (sedimentation), ask Earl to fish (carp hole) - ask you to get three-one. 詩を聞き、礼を聞き、又た君子の其の子を遠ざくるを聞く。 Listen to poetry, listening to Ray, listen to the far-Ru annoying gentleman was also a child of its. └14 邦君(ほうくん)の妻、君これを称して夫人と曰う。 └ wife you邦14 (Mr. Law), and his wife, claiming this Notamau you. 夫人自ら称して小童と曰う。 And Notamau Kowappa himself referred to as his wife.
17 陽貨(ようか) 第十七凡26章 (Yoka) Chapter 26 17 unforced seventeenth positive currency ├01 陽貨(陽虎)、見んと欲す - 其の宝を懐(いだ)きて其の邦(くに)を迷わす、仁と謂うべきか。 ├ want positive currency 01 (tiger yang), and see - or should I say mislead the (country) came Kuni its bosom (IDA) and its treasure, and benevolence. ├─ 事に従うを好みて亟々(しばしば)時を失う、知と謂うべきか。 ├ ─ (often) when we lose亟Te thing according to your preference, you should say knowledge. 日月逝(ゆ)く、歳(とし)我れと与(とも)ならず。 (And) come逝Moon (boiled), and given the age of our not Re (co). ├02 性、相(あ)い近し。 ├ may 02, Chikashi stomach (A) phase. 習えば、相い遠し。 If you learn, I'm Toshi phase. →衛霊公15-39 類:人の賢不肖は、たとえれば鼠のごとし Public class 15-39 → Spirit Mamoru: Ken incompetent human, as for example in the rat ├03 唯だ上知(じょうち)と下愚(げぐ)とは移らず。 ├ does not move with the (extra bottom) and the lower愚(Sophia) knowledge but only on 03. ├04 鷄を割くに焉(いずく)んぞ牛刀を用いん - 子游対たえて曰わく、君子道を学べば則ち人を愛し、小人道を学べば則ち使い易すし。 Do not use the Gyuto ├ 焉each do (district size) to devote鷄 04 - rather than endure Notamau游child pair, but learning to love people the way Kimiko law course, sushi of course easy to use small humanitarian law should learn. → 牛刀割鶏 → chicken split Gyuto ├05 公山不擾(こうざんふじょう)、招く - 如(も)し我を用うる者あらば、吾れは其れ東周を為さんか。 Non-public mountain擾├ 05 (unspecified Kabutoyama), lead - if we Ara who sell for a如to (also), why not form the Eastern Zhou is Re Re其us. ├06 子張、仁を問う - 能く五つの者を天下に行なうを仁と為す。 06 Zhang asked ├ child, the Jin - Jin made and performed in the world who skilfully five. 恭寛信敏惠なり。 Megumi Nari Nobutoshi Hiroshi today. ├─ 恭なれば則ち侮られず、寛なれば則ち衆を得、信なれば則ち人任じ、敏なれば則ち功あり、恵なれば則ち以て人を使うに足る。 ├ ─ course contempt law should not be made today, and get the crowdちlaw, if the appointed person will trust law course, there will be rules of course Isao Satoshi, enough to use in view of the people will be grace if it becomes lawちHiroshi. ├08 六言(りくげん)の六蔽(りくへい) 08 six six word ├蔽(down land) (soldier land) ├─ 仁を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や愚。 ├ ─ If you do not like the taste Te science仁,蔽and its folly. 知を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や蕩(とう)。 If you do not like the taste Te science knowledge, and蕩蔽its (sugar). 信を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や賊。 If you do not like the taste Studies Te thin, its蔽and raiders. ├─ 直を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や絞(こう)。 ├ ─ If you do not like the taste Te straight science, and its aperture蔽(this). 勇を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や乱。 If you do not like the taste Te Isamu science, its蔽or turbulent. 剛を好みて学を好まざれば、其の蔽や狂。 If you do not like the taste Te Tsuyoshi science enthusiast and its蔽. ├09 小子、何ぞ夫(か)の詩(詩経)を学ぶこと莫(な)きや。 ├ 09 small child, husband莫mystery to learn (Book of Songs) poem (or) Ya ki (Do). 詩は以て興こすべく、以て観るべく、以て群すべく、以て怨むべし。 Poetry should be strained in view of Xing, should see in view of, in view of the group should, in view of should sizzle. ├12 色厲(はげ)しくして内荏(やわらか)なるは、諸(これ)を小人に譬(たと)うれば、それ猶(な)お穿愉(せんゆ)の盗のごときか。 ├ parables (and was) if sold to small people (which) countries, 12 colors to properly厲(bald) made beefsteak plant in (soft), either as theft of (such)穿愉us (Yu Sen) it should be noted that . ├13 郷原(きょうげん)は徳の賊なり。 Gohara ├ 13 (Kyogen) is Nari insurgents virtue. ├14 道に聴きて塗(みち)に説くは、徳をこれ棄(す)つるなり。 ├ this disposal (a) to preach (road) coating, Nari vine virtue to listen to road 14. → 道聴塗説 → Dochotosetsu ├15 鄙夫(ひふ)は与(とも)に君に事(つか)うべけんや。 ├ (skin) Ya kick Ube (or two) things to you in the (co) given 15 chicks husband. ├17 巧言令色、鮮(すく)なし仁。 17 ├ sycophancy, Korea (hungry) Hitoshi no. → 巧言令色 →学而01-03 → sycophancy 01-03 Thus science → ├18 紫の朱を奪うを悪(にく)む。 No evil ├ (meat) the deprived Zhu purple 18. ├19 天、何をか言うや。 Ya you say heaven ├ 19, or what. 四時行なわれ、百物生ず。 Carried out at four, one hundred things occur. 天、何をか言うや。 Ya you say heaven, or what. ├21 宰我(さいが)喪を問う - 子(こ)生まれて三年、然る後に父母の懐(ふところ)を免(まぬが)る。 We jai ├ 21 (re) ask the mourning - a child (child) was born three years, in the bosom of the parents Thereafter isolation Ru (although the bran) and (bosom). 夫れ三年の喪は天下の通喪(つうそう)なり。 Communication of the world are mourning mourning husband of three years Nari (continuo). ├22 飽くまで食らいて日を終え、心を用うる所無し、難いかな。 ├ finish the day has only 22 eat, without plants to sell for the mind, how hard. 博奕(はくえき)なる者あらずや。 Gambling (the drudgery) Ya some people will not. これを為すは猶(な)お已(や)むに賢(まさ)れり。 (The Do)已us (and) Ken made this one and that Re (Masa). ├23 君子 勇有りて義なければ乱を為す。 ├ made the righteousness unless there yong gentleman Ran 23. 小人 勇有りて義なければ盗を為す。 Made the righteousness theft unless there yong child. ├25 唯(た)だ女子と小人とは養い難しと為す。 ├ I made with children only 25 girls and it (was) is difficult to cultivate. これを近づくれば則ち不孫(ふそん)なり。 Of course this approach lever rule grandson Nari not (do not lie). これを遠ざくれば則ち怨む。 Of course if the law Re sizzle annoying this far. └26 年四十にして悪(にく)まるるは、其れ終わらんのみ。 └ Maruru evil (meat) is not only the end to the forty Re其26 years.
18 微子(びし) 第十八凡11章 (Mr. and) 11 Chapter 18 unforced fine eighteenth child ├01 殷に三仁あり - 微子(びし)はこれを去り、箕子(きし)はこれが奴(ど)と為り、比干(ひかん)は諌めて死す。 Jin Yin is three to 01 ├ - fine child (Mr. and) leave it, it is this guy (for example), Ki child (proxy) is interference ratio (not low) cis remonstrance. ├02 柳下恵(りゅうかけい)、三たび黜(しりぞ)けらる - 道を直くして人に事(つか)うれば、焉(いず)くに往くとして三たび黜けられざらん。 ├ kicked Ru ('ll butt) (Kakei Liu) Megumi Yanagishita 02,黜third time - (several) if people sell things on the road Te straight comb, quite commonんkicked焉黜third time (not have) as yuku country. ├05 狂接輿 - 鳳よ鳳よ、何ぞ徳の衰えたる。 ├ palanquin contact狂05 - Yo Yo Feng Feng, barrel decline of virtue mystery. 往く者は諌むべからず、来たる者は猶お追うべし。 Those who do not should yuku Isamu, who come should follow Nao. 已みなん已みなん。 Minan已Minan已. 今の政に従う者は殆うし。 Those who follow the government now most of them cows. ├06 長沮(ちょうそ)、桀溺(けつでき)耦(ぐう)して耕す - 滔滔(とうとう)たる者、天下皆な是れなり。 ├ long till沮06 (sculpture),桀溺(you can butt) by (Gu)耦- (at last) an barrel, Nari Re是world that everyone finally. 而して誰と以(とも)にかこれを易(か)えん。 (Or) with whom I do not get to do this easily (both) than to Thus. ├─ 鳥獣は与(とも)に群を同じくすべからず。 ├ ─ birds will not be the same group in the (co) given. 吾れ斯の人の徒と与にするに非ずして誰と与にかせん。 Rivers and who participate in the bran and given to non-human doers Re斯us. ├10 周公、魯公に曰わく - 君子は其の親(しん)を施(す)てず、大臣をして以(もち)いざるに怨みしめず、故旧、大故なければ、則ち棄てず。 Rather than public Notamawa ├ 10 laps, to魯公- its parent has not facilities (a) a (true), (rice cake) are not accounted sizzle without than to the Minister, unless old acquaintance, the late great, is of course superior man rule not abandoned. └11 周に八士あり、伯達、伯适、仲突、仲忽、叔夜、叔夏、季随、季騧。 There are eight to 11 weeks └ professional, our Earl, Earl adaptive, collision Naka, Naka忽,叔夜,叔夏, Sui season,騧season.
19 子張(しちょう) 第十九凡25章 (Mayor) Zhang 19 children Chapter 25 unforced nineteenth ├01 子張曰わく - 士は危うきを見ては命(いのち)を致たし、得るを見ては義を思い、祭には敬を思い、喪には哀を思う。 Rather than a child clad ├ Notamawa 01 - plus look致the (life) life, to obtain righteousness think, to think敬festival, fighters are seen Ayauki think the sorrow in mourning. ├02 子張曰わく - 徳を執(と)ること弘からず、道を信ずること篤(あつ)からずんば、焉(いずく)んぞ能く有りと為さん、焉んぞ能く亡(な)しと為さん Rather than a child clad Notamawa ├ - 02 from Hiroshi not be made without Ru (and), Atsushi believe that if the road from Zun (hot), and each of you have焉Ku function (Izu district), skilfully Izukunzo take the virtue I do not died and made you (such) ├03 子張曰わく - 君子、賢を尊びて衆を容れ、善を嘉(よみ)して不能を矜(あわれ)む、我れの大賢ならんか、人に於いて何の容れざる所あらん。 ├ rather Notamau Zhang child 03 - Kimiko, put the crowd to honor Ken, Be Taiken矜free (poor), the Re us, of what he is not embraced in the human inability to嘉to (reading) a good Alan plant. ├05 日(ひび)に其の亡(な)き所を知り、月(つきづき)に其の能(よ)くする所を忘るること無し。 ├ come to know the plants (such) died in its (crack) 05, without sorry forgotten where (yo) its ability to come the month (Tsukizuki). 学を好むと謂うべきのみ You should only say like science ├06 子夏曰わく - 博(ひろ)く学びて篤(あつ)く志し、切(せつ)に問いて近く思う、仁、其の中(うち)に在り。 Rather ├ Notamau summer child 06 - aspire (hot) clause Atsushi (Hiro) and come learn Hiroshi, I think to ask nearby (OFF) switching, Hitoshi, located in (of) in it. ├07 子夏曰わく - 百工、肆(し)に居て以て其の事を成す。 Rather ├ Notamau summer child 07 - hundreds of hands, made that in view of its stay in the (teeth)肆. 君子、学びて以て其の道を致す。 Gentleman, I will learn it in view of its road. ├08 子夏曰わく - 小人の過(あやま)つや、必ず文(かざ)る。 Rather ├ Notamawa summer child 08 - (accidentally) gloss over a child, always statement Ru (decorated). ├09 子夏曰わく - 君子に三変あり。 Rather ├ Notamawa summer child 09 Yes - three strange gentleman. これを望めば儼然(げんぜん)たり、これに即(つ)けば温なり、其の言を聴けば厲(はげ)し。 If you want this or Genzen (not reduced), the lukewarm fluff (one) to this immediately, if you listen to the word its厲(bald). ├10 子夏曰わく - 君子、信ぜられて而して後に其の民を労す。 Rather ├ Notamau summer 10 children - gentleman, after its people Rosuru Thus it is believe. 信ぜられて而して後に諌(いさ)む。 Believe it is after I no諌Thus (the stomach). ├11 子夏曰わく - 大徳は閑(のり)を踰(こ)えず。 Rather ├ Notamawa summer 11 children - farewell踰Daedeok not be (co) a (glue). 小徳は出入して可なり。 Nari allowed to and from the small virtue. ├13 子夏曰わく - 仕えて優なれば則ち学ぶ。 Rather ├ Notamau summer 13 children - I learned law course will be served excellent. 学びて優なれば則ち仕う。 Of course I will mark it will be excellent to learn law. ├14 子游曰わく - 喪は哀を致して止む。 Rather ├ Notamawa游14 children - I will stop the mourning is sorrow. ├17 曾子曰わく - 人未だ自ら致す者有らず。 Rather ├ Notamau曾子17 - who will not have their own people yet. 必ずや親の喪か。 I certainly mourning parent. ├20 子貢曰わく - 君子は下流に居ることを悪(にく)む。 ├ child rather than contribute Notamawa 20 - evil is no gentleman (meat) that you are in the downstream. ├21 子貢曰わく - 君子の過(あやま)ちや、日月の蝕するが如し。 ├ child rather than contribute Notamawa 21 - Chiya (mis) over, as if the sun and the moon of Shokusuru gentleman. 過つや人皆これを見る、更(あらた)むるや人皆なこれを仰ぐ。 View all people gloss over this, and people all look to this as non-Ru (new) further. ├22 公孫朝、子貢に問う - 夫子焉にか学ばざらん。 Koson 22 ├ morning, ask the child to contribute - in addition to the study of orchid bazaar焉Confucius. 而して亦た何の常師かこれ有らん。 It also does not have what was always the teacher or Thus. ├23 子貢は仲尼より賢(まさ)れり - 夫子の牆(しょう)や数仭(すうじん)、其の門を得て入らざれば、宗廟の美、百官の富みを見ず。 Ken ├ that Re (Masa) from 23 children nun tribute relationship - if not enter the number and get仭(Sho) (んJi smoke), and its gate牆of Confucius, and the Jongmyo, does not look at the rich of all the officials . ├24 叔孫武叔、仲尼を毀(そし)る - 他人の賢者は丘陵なり、猶(な)お踰(こ)ゆべきなり。 ├毀Ru (element) Takeshi叔叔孫24, a nun Nakagami - sage of others is hilly, (such)踰your (child) should slow Nari Nao. 仲尼は日月なり、得て踰ゆること無し。 No relationship is that nun Moon, Yun踰getting. ├25 陳子禽、子貢に曰わく、豈に子より賢(まさ)らんや - 君子は一言以て知と為し、一言以て不知と為す。 ├ child rather than fowl Notamau Chen 25, to contribute a child, and Ran (Masa) Ken from child to elder - the gentleman made in view of word knowledge, and ignorance made in view of a word. 言は慎しまざるべからざるなり。 Nari Shin then forced Bekara saying strainer. └─ 夫子の及ぶべからざるや、猶(な)お天の階して升(のぼ)るべからざるがごときなり。 └ ─ and should not reach the Confucius, the floor of heaven should be noted that your (such) mass Nari as if I should not Ru (climb).
20 堯曰(ぎょうえつ) 第二十凡5章 堯曰20 (Uetsu Gyo) Legend twentieth chapter 5 ├01 尭、舜に曰わく - 朕(わ)が躬(み)罪あらば、万方を以てすること無けん。 Rather ├ Takashi Notamau 01, Shun -躬(I) If the crime Ara (only), kicking ignored that many lands revamped Chin. 万方罪あらば、罪は朕が躬に在らん。 If many lands Ara sin, sin is not there to躬Chin. ├03 寛なれば則ち衆を得、信なれば則ち民任じ、敏なれば則ち功あり、公なれば則ち説(よろこ)ぶ。 Obtain the crowd ├ちlaw, if the law of course people will trust appointed, there will be rules of course Isao Satoshi, law theory course (come due) If you hump will be made public Hiroshi 03. ├04 五美と四悪 And four evil ├ Itsumi 04 ├─ 恵して費(つい)えず、労して怨みず、欲して貪(むさぼ)らず、泰(ゆたか)にして驕(おご)らず、威にして猛(たけ)からず。 ├ ─ (just) can not cost it grace, not sizzle to labor, devoured it wants (covet) regardless, I'll buy it (the rich) Yasushi to Laz (ogo), not from the threat Takeshi (bamboo) . ├─ 教えずして殺す、これを虐(ぎゃく)、戒めずして成るを視る、これを暴、令を慢(ゆる)くして期を致す、これを賊、 ├ ─ to kill without teaching, become虐view the (inverse), and do not rebuke this, we will stage chronic (slow) Te comb violence, the decree, this pirate this, ├─ 猶(ひと)しく人に与うるに出内(すいとう)の吝(やぶさ)かなる、これを有司と謂う。 ├ ─ wrinkle or become (the break), the output of this said Yuji (Rice) in person may participate in properly (people) should be noted. └05 命を知らざれば、以て君子たること無きなり。 If you did not know life └ 05, Nari Naki in view of that gentleman serving. 礼を知らざれば、以て立つこと無きなり。 Naki Nari did not know that if Rei, in view of standing. 言を知らざれば、以て人を知ること無きなり。 Naki Nari did not know the word that if, in view of people know.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■論語(ろんご) 10巻20篇 ■ Analects of Confucius (Analects), Volume 20 Episode 10 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 01 学而(がくじ) 第一 Thus the first study of 01 (the lottery) 02 為政(いせい) 第二 (Isei) Isei 02 second 03 八佾(はちいつ) 第三 (When bowl) 03 Third佾eight 04 里仁(りじん) 第四 Fourth Satoni 04 (lysine) 05 公冶長(こうやちょう) 第五 (Koya-cho) fifth冶長public 05 06 雍也(ようや) 第六 雍也06 (Ya like) sixth 07 述而(じゅつじ) 第七 07 Thus predicates (same predicate) seventh 08 泰伯(たいはく) 第八 (Taebaek) eighth Earl泰08 09 子罕(しかん) 第九 (Relaxation) ninth child罕09 10 郷党(きょうとう) 第十 Kyoto 10 (assistant principal) Tenth 11 先進(せんしん) 第十一 11 advanced (not Sensuru) Eleventh 12 顔淵(がんえん) 第十二 Face abyss 12 (rock salt) twelfth 13 子路(しろ) 第十三 Road 13 children (a) Thirteenth 14 憲問(けんもん) 第十四 (Checkpoints) fourteenth question Ken 14 15 衛霊公(えいれいこう) 第十五 16 季氏(きし) 第十六 17 陽貨(ようか) 第十七 18 微子(びし) 第十八 19 子張(しちょう) 第十九 20 堯曰(ぎょうえつ) 第二十 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .... .... 「孔子は詩・書・礼・楽を教えたが、弟子はおよそ三千人に及んだと考えられ、そのうち六芸に通じた者が七十二人あった」(『史記』孔子世家) "It is believed that Ray taught music books, poetry, Confucius, his disciples and lasted about three thousand men, there were seven through twelve who Rikugei them to" home world Confucius "Shiji" ( ) 「孔子が述懐して言った。私の門人で六芸に通暁する者は、七十七人いるが、みな、すぐれた才能の士である」(『史記』仲尼弟子列伝) "He who knows best to Rikugei in Monjin said Confucius is recalled. In my opinion, there are seventy seven expert in all of the talent, excellent" (nun disciple relationship Retsuden "Shiji")
[孔門七十子(しちじっし)] - 『史記』(仲尼弟子列伝 77人)や『孔子家語』(七十二弟子解 72人)に記載された七十有余人の弟子 … Disciples Yuyo seventy that are described in or "Shiji" (77 people Retsuden apprentice nun Naka) word "house" Confucius (people 72 solution disciples seventy-two) ... - [(conducted cytidine) child seventy gate hole] [孔門十哲(じってつ)] - 『論語』(先進11-03)に挙げられた十人の高弟 … Ten disciples of the "Analects" mentioned in (11-03 advanced) ... - [(iron Tsu Ji) Confucius' Ten Disciples hole gate]
[徳行] - 高い徳と立派な行い High virtues and good deeds - [Noriyuki] 01 顔回、字は子淵 - 魯の人 30歳年少 路地裏のあばら家に住み、箪食瓢飲して道を修めたという。 Face 01 times, child abyss character is - live in a hut in the back alley of the young 30-year-old Lu people, that was the way to cultivate箪食Drinking Gourd. 孔子に後継者として嘱望されるも早世した。 Premature death was also the great hopes as the successor to Confucius. 02 閔損、字は子騫 - 魯の人 15歳年少 孝行者として知られる。 閔損02, subscript騫child - known as a dutiful young 15-year-old Lu people. 暴君奸臣に仕えるのを善しとせず、清廉を貫いた。 Without a good Kanshin serve the tyrant, I kept the integrity. 03 冉耕、字は伯牛 - 魯の人 徳行の士として知られたが、病に倒れる。 冉耕03, Earl of cattle character - was known as the Bachelor of virtuous conduct of human Lu, fell ill. 孔子が見舞って、その運命を嘆いたという。 Confucius is hit, it lamented its fate. (雍也06-10) (06-10雍也) 04 冉雍、字は仲弓 - 魯の人 孔子に「南面せしむべし」と称えられた賢士(雍也06-01)。 Naka bow冉雍04, subscript - Ken was honored professional in human Lu Confucius "should shim the south side" (06-01雍也). 卑賤階級の出身であり、身分が低かった。 Is originally from humble beginnings of class, social status was low. .... .... [言語] - 社会的、政治的な思想と言論 Thought and speech, social and political - [Language] 05 宰予、字は子我 - 魯の人 実利を重視し、徳を軽視して訓戒される。 05 pre-jae, our character is a child - an emphasis on pragmatic people of Lu, the admonition to disregard the virtues. 後に斉の臨淄の長官となるも、田常の乱に加担し、一族皆殺しとされた。 Also later become Secretary of臨淄of Qi, complicit in the turbulent field always has been a family massacre. 06 端木賜、字は子貢 - 衛の人 31歳年少 弁舌に優れる。 Thurs 06 end gift, contribution subscript child - 31-year-old young man of excellent speech Mamoru. 斉の魯侵攻を防ぎ呉の滅亡にも関与。 Also involved in the destruction of Wu prevent the invasion of Qi Lu. 魯・衛の宰相を歴任し、孔門の財政を援助した。 Lu served as Chancellor of the satellite-assisted financial hole gate. .... .... [政事] - 具体的な政治活動 Concrete political activity - [Sage] 07 冉求、字は子有 - 魯の人 29歳年少 消極的な性格であったが、孔子は「千戸の邑の長官や、百乗の家の大夫にも仕えさせられる」と評した。 Was described as a passive character was a young 29-year-old man of Lu, Confucius is "forced to serve ministers and eup of Cheonho, Dayu also house one hundred square" -冉求07, Yu-child character . 08 仲由、字は子路または季路 - 魯の人 9歳年少 武勇を好み軽率であったが実直で慕われた。 It was well-liked by honest was a rash of people prefer the 9-year-old young valor Lu - 08 Y. Naka, character is a child path or road season. 衛で仕官するも、蒯聵・孔悝の乱に遭い死す。 The officer also in Mamoru Death caught in the turbulence of悝蒯聵Ana. .... .... [文学] - 学問と教養 Learning and education - [literature] 09 言偃、字は子游 - 呉の人 45歳年少 孔子にその学識を称される。 09 word dyke, subscript游child - referred to as the knowledge that the 45-year-old young man of Wu Zi. 魯の武城の長官を勤め、礼楽を以て民を教化したという。 Wu Lu served as Secretary of the castle, it was revamped Reigaku edification people. 10 卜商、字は子夏 - 衛(または晋)の人 44歳年少 魏に招かれ名君・文侯の学師となる。 Quotient Bok 10, subscript summer child - become a teacher of science and Sentences ruler of virtue Hou Wei was invited to 44-year-old young man (or Jin) Mamoru. 門下に田子方、李克、西門豹、呉起、禽滑釐らがいた。 How were Tutko, Katsu Lee, leopard Ximen, Wu force, and La釐禽滑to disciple. .... .... 11 顓孫師、字は子張 - 陳の人 48歳年少 才知と容姿に優れていたが実利を重視した。 With an emphasis on pragmatism had excellent appearance and brilliant young man of 48-year-old Chen -顓孫11 nurses, child character Zhang. 「過ぎたるは猶お及ばざるがごとし」の「過」(先進11-16) "It should be noted that, as much to work with us is forced Tari expired", "over" in (11-16 advanced) 12 曾参、字は子輿 - 曾子 魯の人 46歳年少 特に孝行の道に秀でており、その門人が『孝経』や『大学』を著したという。 曾参12, subscript palanquin child - and excel in the way of filial piety, especially young people 46 years of曾子Lu, and author of "university" or "Book of Filial Piety" is that Monjin. 生涯魯で教育にあたる。 Hit education涯魯raw. 13 澹台滅明、字は子羽 - 魯の人 39歳年少 容貌は醜かったが、品行方正で義を説き、弟子百人、その名は諸侯の間にも聞こえたという。 Bright flashes澹台13, subscript child feather APPEARANCE - 39-year-old youth who was ugly, but Lu, preached righteousness in the moral, hundreds disciple, could hear his name called during the princes. 14 宓不斉、字は子賤 - 30歳年少 単父の長官となり、孔子に仕事ぶりを「狭い土地を治めさせておくのは惜しい」と評された。 Was described as a single father and head of the young age of 30, the first time to work Confucius' idea to govern land Sase narrow regrettable "and - Hitoshi宓不14, subscript賤child. 15 原憲、字は子思 - 沼地で隠遁生活を送り生涯貧しかった。 Ken original 15 characters are making a child - life was poor live a life of seclusion in the swamps. 子貢に答えた「貧なり、病(つか)るるに非ざるなり」(『荘子』譲王篇)の話で知られる。 Answered the child tribute "became poor, (several) non-NariざるLulu" disease known story (Part Yuzuru king "Zhuangzi"). 16 公冶長、字は子長 - 斉の人 かつて冤罪で囚人となった。 Public冶長16 characters in length - child was wrongfully convicted prisoners in the past people Qi. 孔子の娘を娶る。 Marries the daughter of Confucius. 17 南宮括、字は子容 - 魯の人 よく学問を修めて喜ばれ、孔子の兄の娘を娶った。 Nangu 17 enclosed, capacity character child is - is willing to cultivate the science of human well Lu, had married the daughter of the brother of Confucius. 18 公皙哀、字は季次 - 未だに仕官せず、よく道を学んでいると評された。 It has been described as officers still without, and are learning well the road - public皙哀18, subscript next season. 19 曾蒧、字は皙 - 曾点 魯の人 曾参の父。 曾蒧19, subscript皙- father of Lu曾点曾参people. その志を、孔子に「吾れは蒧に与(くみ)せん」と喜ばれた(先進11-26)。 Was pleased to Confucius, "We do not participate in蒧Re (Kumi)" and its aspirations (11-26 advanced). 20 顔無繇、字は路 - 魯の人 顔回の父。 No繇face 20, the subscript path - the father of human face times of Lu. 顔回に先立たれた。 I was prior to the face once. 21 商瞿、字は子木 - 29歳年少 孔子に「易」を伝授され、[馬干]臂子弘(子弓)に伝えた。 Quotient瞿21, the tree-shaped child - be taught the "easy" in the 29-year-old young Confucius, [dry horse] told (bow child) child Hiroshi elbow. この子弓が荀子の師であるという説もある。 Some say that it is the teacher of this child荀子bow. 22 高柴、字は子羔(子皐) - 30歳年少 身の丈5尺に満たなかった。 Takashiba 22, subscript (Satsuki child)羔child - was less than 5 scale tall 30-year-old youth. 愚直な人物であり、子路の推挙で衛に仕えた。 Is a simple and honest person, I was nominated to serve on the Defense of child road. 孔悝の乱に遭うも難を逃れる。 Also escaped suffered turbulent悝hole. 23 漆彫開(啓)、字は子開 - 孔子に仕官を勧められるも、「自分にはまだその資格がない」として断り、喜ばれた。 Carved opening lacquer 23 (Scripture), Text is opening a child - even encouraged the officers refused to Confucius, "to yourself that still does not qualify as", was pleased. 24 公伯繚、字は子周 - 子路を季孫氏に讒訴したという。 Kiminori繚24, subscript lap child - that was the road season Zanso to Mr. Son child. 25 司馬耕、字は子牛 - 孔子を襲撃した宋の司馬桓魋の弟。 Sima plowing 25, subscript calf - brother of Sima桓魋he attacked the Confucius of Sung. 口数が多く、さわがしい性質であったという。 You talk too much, that it was a noisy nature. 26 樊須、字は子遅 - 斉の人 36歳年少 農耕を学びたいといって、孔子に「樊遅は小人だな(もっと先にするべきことがあるのに)」と評される。 樊須26 characters are slow child - says 36-year-old young people want to learn farming of Qi, is reputed to Confucius "樊遅is (even though it may be more ahead) You're Children" and . 27 有若、字は子有* - 有子 魯の人 43歳年少 孔子に容貌が似ていたために死後、後継者となり、彼を推した弟子達に師と仰がれたという。 As having been a teacher to seek disciples after death, and the successor to Confucius appearance was similar to the 43-year-old young man Lu Yuko, was pushing him - young 27 Yes, Yes * character is a child. 28 公西赤、字は子華 - 魯の人 42歳年少 「束帯して朝(廷)に立ち、賓客と言わしむべし」(公冶長)と評された貴人。 Red west public 28 characters are Hana child - "standing on the (tribunal) morning the ceremonial court dress, the guest should say sim" 42-year-old young man that has been described as a nobleman Lu (冶長public). 斉に使いした。 I used to Qi. (雍也) (雍也) 29 巫馬施、字は子旗 - 30歳年少 陳の司敗に孔子の過ちを指摘されたという。 It was pointed out the mistakes of Confucius to defeat Tsukasa young 30-year-old Chen Flag - child horse facility 29 shaman, and character. 30 梁鱣、字は叔魚 - 29歳年少 鱣beams 30, the subscript叔魚- 29 years younger 31 顔幸、字は子柳 - 46歳年少 31 face fortune, subscript willow child - 46 years younger 32 冉孺、字は子魯 - 50歳年少 冉孺32, subscript Lu child - 50 years younger 33 曹卹、字は子循 - 50歳年少 曹卹33 characters are circulating a child - 50 years younger 34 伯虔、字は子析 - 50歳年少 Ken Earl of 34, characters are analyzed child - 50 years younger 35 公孫龍、字は子石 - 53歳年少※名家とは別人 Koson 35 dragon, character stone child - age 53 and younger dynasty ※ someone else .... .... ※司馬遷によれば、以上の35人については名と年齢が明瞭であり、文献にも問答が見えるという。 ※ According to Sima Qian, for people age 35 and above is the name of clarity, questions and answers that appear in the literature. .... .... 36 冉季、字は子産 冉季36, subscript Goh 37 公祖句茲、字は子之 Its public茲clause 37, the subscript child之 38 秦祖、字は子南 Qin then 38, in the south-shaped child 39 漆雕哆、字は子斂 雕哆lacquer 39, subscript斂child 40 顔高、字は子驕 Face height 40, the subscript treat child 41 漆雕徒父、字は子文* 41雕徒lacquer father, child character statement * 42 壌駟赤、字は子徒 壌駟red 42, subscript student child 43 商沢、字は子秀* Sawa quotient 43, subscript秀child * 44 石作蜀、字は子明 蜀Ishitsukuri 44 character Akira child 45 任不斉、字は選 Asymmetric charge 45, the selected character 46 公良孺、字は子正 孺Kimiyoshi 46, Text is positive child 47 后処、字は子裏 47 After treatment, the child characters are back 48 秦冉、字は開 48 Qin Ran, the open character 49 公夏首、字は乗 Public summer neck 49 characters ride 50 奚容箴、字は子皙 箴奚容50, subscript皙child 51 公肩定、字は子中 Duke fixed shoulder 51, while a child character 52 顔祖、字は襄 52 face it, Jo subscript 53 鄡単、字は子家 鄡単53, subscript child home 54 句井疆、字は子疆* Well Xinjiang clause 54, the subscript Xinjiang child * 55 罕父黒、字は子索 罕父55 black, child-shaped bloom 56 秦商、字は子丕 Qin quotient 56, subscript丕child 57 申党、字は周 Monkey Party 57, the subscript Zhou 58 顔之仆、字は叔 Boku之face 58, the subscript叔 59 栄旂、字は子祈 旂Sakae 59 characters pray a child 60 県成、字は子祺 60 prefecture-forming, character is a child祺 61 左人郢、字は行 郢61 people left, the line shape 62 燕伋、字は思 伋swallow 62 characters are making 63 鄭国、字は子徒 63 Zheng country, subscript student child 64 秦非、字は子之 Qin non-64 character is a child之 65 施之常、字は子恒 施之always 65 characters are constant child 66 顔噲、字は子声 噲face 66, a child character voices 67 歩叔乗、字は子車 叔乗step 67, the car character child 68 原亢籍、字は籍* 亢籍original 68 characters are flagged * 69 楽欬、字は子声 Ease欬69, character voices child 70 廉絜、字は庸 絜70 Ren, Yong subscript 71 叔仲会、字は子期 叔仲71 meeting, the period character is a child 72 顔何、字は冉 What face 72, the subscript Ran 73 狄黒、字は皙 狄黒73, subscript皙 74 邦巽、字は子斂 74 Tatsumi country, subscript斂child 75 孔忠、字は子蔑* Tadashi hole 75, the subscript蔑child * 76 公西輿如、字は子上 如palanquin public 76 west, the subscript on the child 77 公西箴、字は子上 Western public箴77, the subscript on the child .... .... ※字(あざな)、*印のものは列伝内に記載なし ※ what character (s) marked with * are NOT listed in the biographies
[司馬遷の論賛] - 『史記』仲尼弟子列伝 第七より Than seventh Retsuden nun disciple relationship "Shiji" - [Ronsan of Sima Qian] 太史公曰わく、世の学者は、しばしば七十子の徒を云々する。 Rather thick Notamau public history, scholars of the world, the people down the doers of seventy child often. 褒める者は実質以上に褒め、そしる者は実質以下にけなすが、 substantially more than those who praise praise, who is vilified in the following real reproach, みな、その容貌さえ見ないで論評しているのである。 Everyone, I am you're not even seen commentary that looks. 弟子の名簿は、孔氏の壁中から出た古文の記録に根拠するもので正確に近い。 The roster of the disciple, close to exactly what you want to record evidence of ancient writing that came out of his hole in the wall. わたしは、弟子の姓名や文辞をすべて論語の孔子と弟子の問答から取り、順序だてて、この一篇を作った。 Questions and answers taken from the Analects of Confucius and his disciples all the first name, last name and Bunji disciples, Te and order it, I have to make this one hen. 疑わしいものは省いて記載しなかった。 I did not suspect described omitted.
[司馬遷の立伝趣意] - 『史記』太史公自序 第七十より Jijo public history from seventieth太"Shiji" - meaning standing transfer of Sima Qian] 孔子は文を以て道を述べ、弟子は業にはげみ、それぞれ諸侯の師傅となって、仁を尊重し義を奨励した。 Statement said the revamped road, the disciples strive to work, become a shift of each prince, Confucius, he encouraged the righteous to respect the nucleolus. よって仲尼弟子列伝を作る。 Therefore Retsuden make disciples nun relationship.
[孔子歿後の弟子たち] - 『史記』儒林列伝 第六十一より Than first sixty-one Retsuden儒林"Shiji" - the disciples of Confucius posthumously] 孔子の歿後、七十子の門弟たちは、各地に散らばって諸侯に仕え、大は諸侯の師傅(しふ)・大臣・宰相となり、 Serve princes scattered in various places, after death of Confucius shift of princes, their disciple of seventy child, becomes prime minister, minister large (Schiff), 小は士・大夫の師友となり、あるいは隠遁して世にあらわれなかった。 Small world did not appear to seclusion, or become a master and friends of Dayu-certified. 子路が衛におり、子張が陳におり、澹台子羽が楚におり、子夏が西河におり、子貢が斉で生涯を終えたなどその例である。 Mamoru child path woven, woven Chen Zhang child, child澹台folding wings to Chu, summer child Nishikawa woven, it is an example of a child and its contribution to life in the asymmetric finished. また田子方・段干木・呉起・禽滑釐などは、いずれも学業を子夏の一派に受け、王者の師となった。 Summer school of the child to receive both academic and dry wood,釐禽滑Wu-Ki-way stage Tutko became the teacher of a king also. 当時、諸侯としてはひとり魏の文侯が学問を好んだだけで、その他の天下の諸侯は戦国の世に並び争い、 At that time, as the princes of Wei Hou statement is one of the world's other princes, but only prefer the academic world of the Warring States struggle to line up, 儒術はまったくしりぞけられていた。 儒術had been dismissed at all. ただ斉・魯の地方は、儒術を学ぶものが絶えず、斉の威王・宣王のころには孟子・荀卿らが出て、 Which is constantly learning儒術, local-Qi Lu, et al.荀卿-Mencius comes out by the time of King Wei of Qi Wang Sen, however, みな夫子(孔子)の偉業をつぎ、これを潤色し、学問をもって一世に名を挙げた。 Pour a feat (Confucius) Confucius everyone, embellish it, he made a name with the first generation of learning.
[付:孔子の家族] [: Families with Confucius] 父:孔紇、字は叔梁(こうこつ しゅくりょう 叔梁紇) Father:叔梁紇hole, the subscript (紇叔梁Yado-ryo blades) 母:顔徴在(がん・ちょうざい) Mother:在FEATURES face (and dispensing cancer) 子:孔鯉、字は伯魚(こうり はくぎょ) Children: Earl of carp fish hole, the subscript (Gyo foil Kouri) 孫:孔伋、字は子思(こうきゅう しし) → 『中庸』 Grandson: a child think伋hole, subscript → (lion high salary) , "moderate"
★ページの先頭へ戻る>>> ★ >>> Back to top of the page ...... ...... ...... ...... | | 『論語』 孔丘弟子/金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya / disciple hill holes "Analects" ...> [Books]   | 古代中国の大古典「四書」のひとつで、孔子とその弟子たちの言行を集録したもの。 Which is one of the "Branch" large classic ancient Chinese, I have acquired the sayings and doings of Confucius and his disciples. 人間として守るべきまた行うべき、しごく当り前のことが簡潔な言葉で記されている。 Should also be done to protect human, truths that have been written in simple language squeezing. 長年にわたって親しまれてきた岩波文庫版『論語』がさらに読みやすくなった改訂新版。 Revised edition the "Analects" Iwanami version that has been popular over the years has become more readable. |
| .... .... | | 『論語』 孔丘(門弟)/加地伸行/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Hole hill "Analects" academic Kodansha bunko / Nobuyuki Kaji / (disciple) ...> [Books]   | 孔子とその門人の言行録から成る『論語』は私たちの生き方の原点を見つめた思索の宝庫であり、 "Analects" is a treasure trove of thinking become that looked at the origin of our life from the book of Acts and its Monjin Confucius, 人間性を磨く叡智が凝縮した永遠の古典である。 Classical eternal wisdom polish humanity was condensed. 読めば読むほど胸に深く沁み込む簡潔な言葉の数々。 The number of words into a concise shim deep in my heart I read about people. 儒教学の第一人者の意欲的で懇切丁寧な注釈と、今にも語り出すかのような臨場感ある現代語訳。 Annotations and courteous kindness of ambitious science guru Confucianism, modern translation, such as if you have realistic narrative out at any moment. |
| .... .... | | 『論語物語』 下村湖人/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Kojin Shimomura Story "Analects" ...> [Books] | 二千年以上も経た『論語』の章句を自由自在に使って、著者の思想を物語に構成したものが本書で、 Those that use freely the passage of the "Analects" was economic and configured the story ideas of the author in this book for more than two thousand years, 精神を後世に伝えたい一念が結晶している。 Ichinen you want to convey to posterity the spirit is crystal. 孔子と弟子たちが古い衣をぬぎすて、現代に躍り出す。 Confucius and his disciples threw off old clothes, out in modern dance. その光景がみずみずしい現代語で丹念に描かれている。 The scene is depicted in great detail with fresh modern language. 教育乱脈の今日の日本にとって必読の書。 Today's must-read books of the disorder education for Japan. |
| .... .... | | 『孔子伝』 白川静/中公文庫BIBLIO …> [関連書籍] BIBLIO Chuko Bunko / Shizuka Shirakawa "The Story of Confucius" ...> [Books] | 春秋の乱世にあって、「仁」による理想の徳治を説き、挫折と漂泊のうちに生きた孔子と弟子たち。 Confucius and his disciples that in the troublous times of the spring and autumn, the ideal preach Tokuji by "Jin", living out of frustration and adrift. 中国の歴史上屈指の偉大な哲人の残した言行は、『論語』として現在も全世界に生き続ける。 Continue to live in the world today as the "Analects", words and actions is left by the great philosopher in the history of China, one of the best. 白川静が、史実と後世の恣意的粉飾を峻別し、その思想に肉薄する、画期的孔子伝である。 The arbitrary distinction the window dressing of historical and future generations, is Shizuka Shirakawa, press hard on the idea that is a groundbreaking biography of Confucius. |
| .... .... | | 『大学・中庸』 金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya "moderation," University ...> [Books]   | 天下国家の政治もその根本は一身の修養にあることを説く『大学』。 Its root "university" preach the cultivation of oneself to be in world politics of the state. 人間の本性とは何かを論じ、 And human nature is something to discuss, 「誠」の哲学を説く『中庸』。 "Moderation" preach the philosophy of "sincerity". 朱子によって『論語』『孟子』とともに四書の一つとされた儒教の経典。 Scriptures of Confucianism, which is one of the Branch with the "Mencius" "Analects" by Chu Hsi. 本書では、朱子以前の古い読み方を探求して、両書の本来の意味を明らかにすることを主眼とした。 In this book, he main aim to explore how to read the previous, old satin, to clarify the original meaning of the two books. |
| .... .... | | 『孝経 全訳注』 曾子門弟/加地伸行/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Nobuyuki Kaji / disciple曾子"all Yakuchu Book of Filial Piety" ...> [Books]   | 本文十八章と付篇一章から成る『孝経』は、孝道を論じた儒教の経書で、永く読み継がれてきた。 In discussing the Keisho Confucian filial piety, "Book of Filial Piety" become, has been succeeded forever read from chapter eighteen chapters and one hen with the text. しかし、単に親への孝行を説く道徳の書ではなく、中国人の死生観・世界観が凝縮された書である。 However, rather than focusing on the book of filial piety to parents preach morality simply, it is written that the Chinese view of the world-view of life and death has been condensed. 『女孝経』『父母恩重経』など周辺資料も多数紹介・解読し、家族を重視する人間観を分析する。 Analyzing the view of human nature to interpret article introduces and many peripherals such as "economic weight parents favor" "Book of Filial Piety" Woman, an emphasis on family. |
| .... .... | | 『孟子(上・下)』 孟軻/小林勝人/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "Mencius (top and bottom)" Iwanami / Masato Kobayashi /軻Meng ...> [Books]   | 戦国時代の中国、百家争鳴の世に現われて、孔子の教えを軸にしつつ、独自の思想を展開した China appear to the world, let a hundred schools of thought contend for the Warring States Period, while the axis of the teachings of Confucius, I have deployed their own ideas 孟軻の言行録である。 It is the book of Acts軻Meng. 彼は、人が天から与えられた本性は善であるという信念に立って、 His human nature was given from heaven standing belief that it is good, この天から万人に等しく与えられた本性を、全面的に開花させるための実践倫理を示した。 I showed the practice of ethics in order to fully bloom, the nature given equally to all people from the ceiling. |
| .... .... | | 『荀子(上下)』 荀況/金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "荀子(up and down)" Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya /荀況 ...> [Books]  | 勧学篇に始まり堯問篇に終る荀子の全思想の記録。 Record of all thought of ending荀子to begin to Hen Hen堯問encouragement of learning. 彼は性悪説を主張し、その説くところによれば、 Claims the view of human nature as fundamentally depraved, he says that they preach that, 人間は放任すれば乱れるからその悪である性を矯正し、世の混乱を防ぐために伝統的な教え、 Traditional human teaching to correct the evil that may be disturbed because if you neglect to prevent confusion of the world, 即ち「礼」を学ぶことが必要であるという。 That it is necessary to learn the "Ray", ie. 広く一般に理解できるよう読み下しと口語訳とを収録。 Yomikudasu and colloquial translation and recorded so that the general public can understand. |
| .... .... | | 『諸子百家』 浅野裕一/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Yuichi Asano house "one hundred Shoshi" ...> [Books] | 春秋戦国を縦横無尽に駆け抜けた才智と戦略、自らの理想を実現すべく諸国を巡った諸子百家。 Shoshi house was over one hundred countries and strategies that should be implemented wit and intelligence that ran through most comprehensive Spring and Autumn Warring States, the ideals of their own. 快楽至上主義の楊朱と兼愛の戦士・墨子の思想がなぜ天下を二分するほど支持されたのか。 Why does the thought of a child and Sumi warriors Ken'ai楊朱supremacist or pleasure was being supported enough to divide the world. 新出土資料で判明した老子、孫子、孔子などの実像や、鄒衍・公孫龍らの思想も興味深く説く。 Preach and interesting real Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, and Confucius, but also from the idea of a dragon Koson-鄒衍were identified in this new excavated material. |
| .... .... | | 『春秋左氏伝(上・中・下)』 小倉芳彦/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "The Story of Mr. Chunqiu left (bottom, middle and top)" Iwanami / Yoshihiko Ogura ...> [Books] | 『春秋左氏伝』は『春秋』の「伝」すなわち解説で、春秋時代(前七二二‐四八一)を中心とする Commentary, (seven hundred twenty-two before - four hundred eighty-one) Chunqiu ", ie transfer" of "Spring and Autumn", "Den said left spring and autumn" is centered on the 中国古代の史伝説話の宝庫である。 A wealth of history and biography of the ancient Chinese tales. 中国では準経書として扱われ、我が国では古来歴史や In China are treated as quasi Keisho, history and ancient times in Japan 文学の源泉であった。 It was a source of literature. その全文の格調高い現代語訳。 Magnificent modern translation of the full text. 本書には地図・系図・索引を完備。 In this manual are equipped with an index, maps, genealogy. |
| .... .... | | 『史記(1)~(8)』 司馬遷/小竹文夫・小竹武夫/ちくま学芸文庫 …> [関連書籍] "(1) to Shiji (8)" Chikuma Gakugei Bunko / Takeo Kotake, Fumio Kotake / Sima Qian ...> [Books] | 西漢の司馬遷が著した中国最初の正史『史記』は、古代中国の社会と人間を生きいきと描きだし、 "Shiji" first authentic history of China Sima Qian of the Western Han wrote is depicts a lively and human society in ancient China, 日本でも広く親しまれてきた。 Has been widely popular in Japan. 歴代帝王の系譜である「本紀」、諸侯の興亡を伝える「世家」、 "Home world" tell "ホンギ" a genealogy of former emperor, the rise and fall of princes, そして乱世を駆け抜けた人間を描く「列伝」。 "I Retsuden" draw a human and ran through the troublous times. 本書は古と今をつなぐ、全人類共通の財産といえる。 It connects the old and now this book, and the common property of all mankind. |
| .... .... .... .... | | 『李陵・山月記 - 弟子・名人伝』 中島敦/角川文庫 …> [関連書籍] Kadokawa Bunko / Atsushi Nakajima - "Symbol Yamatsuki-Ling Lee den master-disciple" ...> [Books] | 豊富な漢詩文の教養と鋭い人間観察をもって描き、作者の名を不朽のものにした代表作六編を The hen six representative works drawn with acute human observation and rich culture of poetry sentence, was immortalized in the name of the author 参考資料とともに収録。 Recorded with reference materials. 李陵・蘇武・司馬遷の運命を描く「李陵」、才人・李徴の人虎伝「山月記」、 "Yamatsuki described" Tiger Den "human Ling Lee" draw, Lee wit the fate of the butterfly-Sobu Sima Qian Ling-Li, 孔子の弟子・子路の生涯「弟子」、『列子』から弓の達人「名人伝」、『西遊記』から「悟浄」二作。 "Kiyoshi Satoru" from "Journey to the West", "den" Virtuoso bow master of his two "disciples" the life of a child, a disciple of Confucius tract, from the "child" column. |
| .... .... | | 『小説十八史略(1)~(6)』 陳舜臣/講談社文庫 …> [関連書籍] Abbreviation "History of eighteen novels (1) to (6)" Kodansha bunko / Admiral Chin ...> [Books] | 『十八史略』は元の曾先之によってまとめられた歴史書で、三皇五帝のから南宋まで約三千年の In the history book that was put together by the original曾先之, "eighteen outline history" of about 3,000 years until the Southern Song Dynasty from the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors 歴史を扱った中国通史である。 It is dealing with the history Tsushi China. 十八の正史、司馬遷の『史記』にはじまり、『漢書』、『後漢書』、 Masashi of eighteen to "Shiji" of Sima Qian "sweet potato", beginning, "sweet potato after" 『三国志』など、激動の時代に生まれた英雄豪傑たちが織りなす人間模様を活写した超大作。 Cascia blockbuster was a hero heroine human events we were born, such as "Three Kingdoms", in turbulent times is woven. |
| .... .... | | 『中国の歴史(1)~(7)』 陳舜臣/講談社文庫 …> [関連書籍] "The History of China (1) to (7)" Kodansha bunko / Admiral Chin ...> [Books] | 中国の歴史は奥深い。 Chinese history is deep. 諸子百家が輩出した群雄割拠の春秋戦国時代、秦の統一、項羽と劉邦、 Spring and Autumn Warring States period of one hundred Shoshi number of powerful house has produced, unification of Qin, Xiang Yu and Ryuho, 数多の英雄が登場し、やがて消え去る。 Many heroes appeared, eventually phased out. ―覇権を争い、権謀術数の渦巻く滔々たる時の流れを、 - When the flow of the struggle for supremacy, Charlie Yeung serving people swirling wiles, 豊かな史料から再考察し、著者の祖国への愛と憧憬をこめて綴る中国五千年の歴史シリーズ。 China five thousand years of history series to consider historical re rich, spelled put the author's homeland of love and longing. |
| .... .... | | 『中国古典名言事典』 諸橋轍次/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Tetsuji Morohashi "Encyclopedia Chinese Classic Quotes" ...> [Books] | 厖大な中国の古典のなかから4,800余を精選、簡潔にして分かりやすい解説を付した名言名句集。 Carefully selected from among the more than 4,800 Chinese classical enormous, chrestomathy mot which is subject to the easy-to-understand explanation of brevity. どの章句にも古典の英知・達人の知恵・人間のドラマが宿っており、人生の指針にみちている。 Drama of human wisdom and the wisdom of Guru-classic has lodged any verse, life is full of guidelines. 激動の時代を生きる現代人が座右に置いて、あらゆる機会に再読・三読すべき画期的な辞典である。 Modern people who live in the era of upheaval will have by one, it is a breakthrough that should be read three dictionary-reread every occasion. |
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