■老子(ろうし) 2巻81章 5,056字 ■ 5,056 characters chapter 81 (Laozi) Lao Tzu, Volume 2 | ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... | | 『老子』 老子/蜂屋邦夫/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Iwanami / K. Hachiya / Lao Tzu "Lao Tzu" ...> [Books]   | 熾烈な戦国時代を生き抜く処世の知恵であり一種の統治理論であるが、同時に、世の中と It is a theory of governance is a kind of wisdom to survive the Warring States period Shosei fierce, at the same time, and the world 人間についての深い洞察力によって、人生の教科書ともいうべき普遍性を持っている。 By deep insight about human beings, have a universal textbook of life should be called. ここで説かれる平和的で、自足、素朴なあり方は、時代を超えて人々の心に訴えかける。 Preached here in peaceful, self-sufficient, rustic way, appeals to the hearts of people throughout the ages. |
| .... .... ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■老子(ろうし) - 生没年:前600 - 前470頃 姓:李 名:耳 字:聃または伯陽 出身地:楚国苦県厲郷曲仁里 … ■ (Laozi) Lao Tzu - birth and death: - Hitoshi Sato Province bitter country song厲郷Chu ... Hometown: positive or Earl聃: ear-shaped name: Lee last name before 470 days ago 600 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 道家の源流であるが、その実在が疑われる伝説的人物。 Although the origin of the way home, a real legend that is suspected. 『史記』(老子韓非列伝)によれば、 According to You "Shiji" (the non-Retsuden Korean Lao Tzu) 周の書庫の記録官だったが、国徳の衰えを見て官を辞し西方へ向かい、函谷関で関守尹喜の 頼みを受け『老子』上下篇5000余字を書き残したという。 It was recorded in the archives of the circumference officer, resigned from the government towards the west look at the decline of national virtue, wrote a letter that was up and down 5000 over Hen "Laozi" received the request of Yoon Hee Sekimori in about box-valley. 唐代には宗室の祖とされ神格化した。 The apotheosis was the founder of the Tang Dynasty Soshitsu.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■『老子道徳経』について … ■ About the "Tao Te Ching" ... ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 『老子』(2巻81篇)は老子の自著とされる。 "Lao" (Part 81, Volume 2) is of Lao Tzu and his book. 秦末漢初には存在しており、広く親しまれていたという。 Has been present in the first end of Qin Han, it was being widely familiar. その思想は深遠かつ難解であり、「無為自然」を尊び「柔弱謙下」を守り、殊更な仕業を否定する。 Its thought is profound and difficult, honor "nature inaction" protect "under Ken weakness", and deliberately deny the work. 秦漢代には道家と黄老思想の源流として、漢魏以降には道教の経典として最重要の書物とされる。 As the origin of thought and yellow wax Doke, since the Han Dynasty Qin Han Wei is the most important books as scripture of Taoism.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■本頁について ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ■ ------------------------------------------- About this page 『老子』 2巻81章のすべてについて、各章の概要・重要文句を抄出した。 For all of chapter 81 "Laozi" Volume 2, was Shoshutsu to complain and important summary of each chapter. 各篇の章立て・書き下し・注釈は、 『老子 -無知無欲のすすめ- 』(金谷治/講談社学術文庫)による。 Kakikudashi-chapters, annotations of each hen, "- Recommendation of unselfish ignorance - Lao Tzu" (Kodansha bunko Academic / Osamu Kanaya) According to the. ..... ..... ※本頁は上記本の補助的な目次・ガイドを目指し作成しています。 ※ This page has been aiming to create a Table of Contents Guide ancillary invention. 現代語訳や注釈等は訳本をご確認ください。 Please check the translated book, etc. modern translation and annotations.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■老子(ろうし) 2巻81章 ■ (Laozi) Lao Tzu Volume 2 Chapter 81 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■上篇(道経) 37章 ■ (Economic Way) Chapter 37 on the Hen ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 01章道の道とすべきは、常の道に非(あら)ず。 Should be the way of the road chapter 01, First (rough) road non-normal. 名の名とすべきは、常の名に非ず。 Should be the name of the name, First name has non-normal. 名無きは天地の始め、名有るは万有の母。 The beginning of the universe, with no name There name is the mother of all things.
02章 天下みな美の美たるを知るも、斯(こ)れ悪のみ。 Everyone also knows the world of beauty and barrel section 02, only evil斯Re (child). みな善の善を知るも、斯れ不善のみ。 Also good to know the good of everyone, only unskillful Re therein.
03章賢を尚(たっと)ばざれば、民をして争わざらしむ。 It should be noted that if it does not (and only) the chapter 03 Ken, your Sim Arasowa quite common to the people. (中略) 無為(むい)を為せば、則ち治まらざる無し。 If you made the (Mukurai) inaction (omission), no rule of course does not subside.
04章 道は冲(むな)しきも、これを用うれば或(ま)た盈(み)たず。 (And free) expression is also Okinawa, road chapter 04 was not (only) Yeongdeok was (or) if some sell it for. (中略)其(そ)の鋭(えい)を挫(くじ)き、其の紛(ふん)を解き、其の光を和(やわら)げて、其の塵に同じくす。 Frustrate ki (lottery), solve disputes that (droppings), and also the sum Gete (soft), and its light dust that (ei) sharp (it)其(Omitted). → 和光同塵 → Wakodojin
05章 天地は仁ならず、万物を以て芻狗(すうく)と為す。 Chapter 05 is not仁world, and made 芻狗(rather than number) revamped things. 聖人は仁ならず、百姓(ひゃくせい)をもって芻狗となす。 Saints not仁, made with farmer芻狗have (to hundreds). 多言は数々(しばしば)窮す、中を守るに如かず。 We speak no Gotoku (often) many at a loss, to protect the inside.
06章 谷神(こくしん)は死せず、是を玄牝(げんぴん・げんびん)と謂う。 Undying Yachikami chapter 06 (not Kokusuru), said female and Gen (Gen-Marking bottle) to是.
07章 天は長く地は久し。 Chapter 07 is heaven earth long eaves. 天地の能(よ)く長く且(か)つ久しき所以の者は、其の自ら生ぜざるを以て、故に能く長生す。 Not occur revamped its own, one person Hisashiki reason (or)且is therefore long Chosei skilfully (yo) the capacity of the world come.
08章上善(じょうぜん)は水の若(ごと)し。 Young good water on chapter 08 (not multiply) is (every). →上善若水(上善如水) → Wakamizu good (on good Josui above) 水は善(よ)く万物を利して而(しか)も争わず。 Thus water does not compete as well (deer) (yo) and Ku squirrel all things good. 衆人の悪(にく)む所に処(お)る。 Office no evil Shujin (meat) processing Ru (us). 故に道に幾(ちか)し。 Therefore the way to several (underground).
09章 持してこれを盈(み)たすは、其の已(や)むるに如(し)かず。 已its (or) to Ru如been held without Yeongdeok chapter 09 + (only) this, or not (no). (中略) 功成り名遂(と)げて身を退(しりぞ)くは、天の道なり。 Gete retirement himself (and) come (I'll butt), the way of heaven Nari遂success fame (Omitted). 類:久しく尊名を受くるは不祥なり(范蠡)、 明哲保身 (范蠡), you will receive your name a long ominous: Louis defensiveness Meitetsu
10章 營魄(えいはく)を載(やす)んじ、一を抱きて、能(よ)く離れること無からんか。 Chapter 10營魄mounting a (foilえい) Swirls (Lance), hugging one, why not Nakara that (good) performance come away. (中略)是を玄徳と謂う。 Virtue said the是Gen (Omitted).
11章 三十の輻(ふく)、一つの轂(こく)を共にす。 Together the (rich) Koshiki congestion thirty chapter 11 (clothes), one. 其の無に当って、車の用有り。 Hitting its free, there for the car. (中略) 有の以て利を為すは、無を以て用を為せばなり。 Made in view of the interests of the Road (omission), would form the revamped for free. → 無用の用 → for the useless
12章 五色(ごしき)は人の目をして盲ならしむ。 (Your threshold) is sim if five colors blind the eyes of the people Chapter 12. 五音(ごいん)は人の耳をして聾ならしむ。 (In us) is sim if deaf to the human ear pentatonic. 五味は人の口をして爽(たが)わしむ。 To the mouth of the people I爽Gomi shim (there was).
13章寵辱(ちょうじょく)には驚くが若(ごと)し。 It surprised me (rather than daughter) Chapter 13 butterfly shame young (or each). 大患(たいかん)を貴ぶこと身の若(ごと)くなればなり。 The only thing that revere the (Korean) Taikan Co., Ltd. will be coming young must (per).
14章 これを視(み)れども見えず、名づけて夷(い)と曰(い)う。 Even without looking Re (only) see this Chapter 14, the barbarian named in (i)曰window (stomach). これを聴けども聞こえず、名づけて希と曰う。 I do not hear Notamau Even listening to this, and noble named. これを摶(とら)うるも得ず。 Ur not even get摶(Tiger) this. 名づけて微(び)と曰う。 And Notamau (beauty) named fine. 此(こ)の三つの者は詰(きつ)を致すべからず。 此of three persons (child) will not be a (tight) justified. 故(もと)より混(こん)じて一と為る。 And one mixed by Ji (Kon) than late (original).
15章 古(いにしえ)の善(よ)く道を為す者は、微妙玄通(びみょうげんつう)、深くして識(し)るべからず。 Chapter 15 Old Gen subtle communication (through subtle Gen), and those who identify deep (yo) made a good way of Ku (ancient) is not Bekara Ru (teeth). → 微妙玄通 → through subtle Gen
16章 虚を致すこと極まり、静を守ること篤(あつ)し。 I will be in a dilemma that Chapter 16 imaginary, Atsushi to protect static (or hot). 万物は並び作(お)こるも、吾れは以て復(かえ)るを観る。 All things work sequence Colmo, Inc. (us), Re We saw a recovery (by volume buying) in view of.
17章大上(たいじょう)は下(しも)これ有るを知るのみ。 (Exit) is only known (frost) to have this on a large under chapter 17. 其の次は親しみてこれを誉(ほ)む。 (Almost) The next non-familiarity Te this honor. 其の次はこれを畏(おそ)る。 The following is its awe Ru (hyperemesis) this. 其の次はこれを侮(あなど)る。 The next despise this Ru (such as nitrous).
18章大道廃(すた)れて仁義あり。 Chapter 18 Moral waste is大道been (register). 智慧出(い)でて大偽(たいぎ)あり。 (Cause) is false wisdom and a large output (b). 六親(りくしん)和せずして孝慈あり。 Takashi慈parent is not sum to six (Shin land). 国家昏乱(こんらん)して貞臣(ていしん)あり。 (Communications) is Shin Jeong昏乱national (or confusion).
19章聖を絶ち智を棄(す)つれば、民の利は百倍せん。 Dispose (a) if the vine cut off St.智 Chapter 19, benefit of the people Sen hundredfold. 仁を絶ち義を棄つれば、民は孝慈に復せん。 If you cut off the vine disposal仁righteousness, the people not to慈Fukusuru Takashi. 巧を絶ち利を棄つれば、盗賊あること無からん。 If you cut off the vine discarded the interests skillfully, you will not Nakara that the thief.
20章学を絶てば憂い無し。 If you cut off without melancholy science chapter 20. 唯(い)と阿(あ)と相い去ること幾何(いくばく)ぞ。 Ali only in (i) the geometric phase and have to leave (Oh) I'll (ZoneAlarm). (中略)我れは独り泊(はく)として其(そ)れ未だ兆(きざ)さず、嬰児(えいじ)の未だ孩(わら)わざるが如し。 Alone as night (foil)其Re (it) is not yet trillion (smug), Age (Age) we still孩Re (omission) as if Ru skill (straw). (中略)衆人は昭昭たり、我れは独り昏昏たり。 Akira or Akira, Shujin (omission) Re Tari We昏昏alone.
21章 孔徳の容は惟(た)だ道に是れ従う。 Contents of Chapter 21 Gongdeok Ru是follow the road it (was) Nobuyoshi.
22章曲なれば則ち全(まった)し。 I would (and waited) all songs will be Chapter 22 law course. 枉(おう)なれば則ち直し。 Of course it will be re-枉law (king). 窪(あ)なれば則ち盈(み)つ。 You will (a) Kubo Yeongdeokちone rule I (only). 敝(へい)なれば則ち新たなり。 Of course if the new law will敝Nari (fence). →曲則全・曲全 All songs all law-song → 少なければ則ち得られ。 Of course I can get fewer rules. 多ければ則ち惑(まど)う。 Of course the more惑rule window (window).
23章希言(きげん)は自然なり。 Nature Nari (mood) Chapter 23 rare word. 飄風は朝(あした)を終えず、驟雨(しゅうう)は日を終えず。 Not finished (tomorrow) morning,飄風(the sudden shower) does not finish the day sudden shower. 孰(た)れか此れを為す者ぞ、天地なり。 Each person who made a Re Re此or (was)孰, Nari heaven and earth. 天地すら尚お久しきこと能わず、而(しか)るを況(いわ)んや人に於いてをや。 It should be noted that even heaven and earth Atau Hisashiki without us, Ya the situation and the people in there (rock) and Ru (deer) Thus.
24章 跂(つまだ)つ者は立(た)たず、跨(また)ぐ者は行かず。 Was not (were) standing,跂chapter 24 (wife's) who Tsu an instrument (or) does not go across. 自ら見(あら)わす者は明(あき)らかならず、自ら是(よし)とする者は彰(あら)われず。 Do not they (Aki) Akira (oh) person (rough) Align with the person who是(All right) does not see itself divided Akira himself. 自ら伐(ほこ)る者は巧(こう)無く、自ら矜(ほこ)る者は長(ひさ)しからず。 (Way) without Takumi (ひさ) who Ru (hoko) who矜Ru (hoko) does not cut himself chief scolded himself.
25章 物有り混成し、天地に先んじて生ず。 Consist of a mixture of compounds have chapter 25, ahead of the world arise.
26章 重きは軽(かろ)きの根(こん)たり。 Light root Kino (Karo) chapter 26 or emphasis (Navy). 靜かなるは躁(さわ)がしきの君たり。 The Canal Ching (Sawa), or of the expression you manic.
27章善(よ)く行く者は轍迹(てっせき)なし。 RUINED rut (Ki lashes) who (yo) Chapter 27 work properly is no good. 善く言う者は瑕謫(かたく)なし。 (Hard) who say well no謫scratch. 善く数える者は籌策(ちゅうさく)を用いず。 Well who does not count using the籌策(Chusaku). 善く閉ざす者は關鍵(かんけん)なくして而(しか)も不開くべからず。 Those who do not should be open not closed well Thus also (deer) (authorities)關鍵lost. 善く結ぶ者は繩約(じょうやく)なくして而も解くべからず。 Those who do not connect well also be solved Thus (treaty)繩約lost.
28章 其の雄(ゆう)を知りて、其の雌(し)を守れば、天下の谿(けい)と為る。 Male know its chapter 28 (Yu), if you observe the (teeth) female, it becomes谿of the world and the (total).
29章 将(まさ)に天下を取らんと欲してこれを為すは、吾れ其の得ざるを見るのみ。 This made it wants and does not take the world to (Masa)将chapter 29, but to get only see its吾Re. 天下は神器なり。 Nari world is sacred. 為すべからず、執(と)るべからず。 Not to be done, I will not take Bekara Ru (and). 為す者はこれを敗り、執る者はこれを失う。 This defeats Ri, who made who take it lose.
30章 道を以て人主(じんしゅ)を佐(たす)くる者は、兵を以て天下に強いず。 Who佐(+) human main (race) come, without asking the world road revamped revamped Chapter 30 soldiers. 其の事は還(かえ)るを好む。 Its like that frog (by volume buy).
31章 夫(そ)れ兵は不祥の器にして、物或(ある)いはこれを悪(にく)む。 Chapter 31 Re soldier husband (SEO) is the instrument of the ill-omened, some evil thing stomach (there) is no (meat) this. (中略) 兵は不祥の器にして、君子の器に非ず。 The instrument of the ill-omened, soldier (omission) of a non-First gentleman.
32章道は常に無名なり。 Chapter 32 Nari road always anonymous. (中略)道の天下に在(お)けるを譬(たと)うれば、猶お川谷(せんこく)の江海に於けるがごとし。 Parable (and was) if ur Keru (us) standing in the way of world ... and, as if in the sea Jiang (sentence) river valley Nao us.
33章人を知るものは智なり、自らを知るものは明なり。 Nari Ming know what those people are Satoshi Chapter 33, know themselves. 人に勝つ者は力あり、自ら勝つ者は強し。 Force some people who win, who himself is mightier win. 足るを知る者は富む。 Tom is someone who understands the sufficiency. 強(つと)めて行う者は志(こころざし)有り。 Zhi (志) there is a person who performs (bracts) and therefore strength. → 知足 知足安分 → Availability minute Chisoku Chisoku 其の所を失わざる者は久し。 A person does not lose its place the eaves. 死して而も亡びざる者は寿(いのちなが)し。 Thus even in death the person does not cease to Kotobuki (though life).
34章 大道は汎(はん)として、其(そ)れ左右すべし。 Pan as (half), Chapter 34 Avenue should depend其Re (SEO).
35章 大象(たいしょう)を執(と)りて、天下を往(ゆ)く。 Chapter 35 Daesang take (Taisho) and (by volume), and (yu) often come the world. 往きて害あらず、安・平・大なり。 There is no harm Te snow, the large flat-Yas.
36章 将(まさ)にこれを歙(ちぢ)めんと欲すれば、必ず固(しばら)くこれを張れ。 If you want歙surface (ぢち) to this (Masa) Chapter 36将, always solid (bound) put it correctly. 将にこれを弱くせんと欲すれば、必ず固くこれを強くせよ。 If you want it to and does not将weakly to strongly always this hard. 将にこれを廃せんと欲すれば、必ず固くこれを興(おこ)せ。 If you do not want to waste it and to proceeds, Xing always firmly to the (co) it. 将にこれを奪わんと欲すれば、必ず固くこれを与えよ。 If you want it to and does not deprive将, I always give it firmly. 是を微明という。 Of fine Ming是. 柔弱は剛強に勝つ。 Effeminacy wins the firmness.
37章道は常に無為(むい)にして、而(しか)も為さざるは無し。 To the (Mukurai) always inaction, road chapter 37 Thus also done without the forced (deer). 欲あらずして以て静かならば、天下将(まさ)に自ら定まらんとす。 If quiet in view of the not common, you will not be determined with themselves (Masa)将world.
――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- ■下篇(徳経) 44章 ■ (economic virtue) hen under Chapter 44 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― ------------------------------------------- 38章上徳(じょうとく)は徳とせず、是(ここ)を以て徳あり。 (Changde) is not virtue and virtue on chapter 38, is virtue with (here)是. 下徳(かとく)は徳を失わざらんとす、是を以て徳なし。 The (family estate) is not quite common to lose under virtue virtue, without virtue是revamped. 上徳は無為(むい)にして、而(しか)して以て為すとする無し。 No you have to (Mukurai) inaction, and made UeIsao Thus in view of the (deer). (中略) 礼なる者は、忠信の薄(はく)にして乱の首(はじめ)なり。 Faithful to the thin (foil) neck of a person to be Ran Rei (omission), Nari (Introduction).
39章 昔の一を得たる者は、天は一を得て以て清し、地は一を得て以て寧(やす)し、 Tian Qing in view of getting one, get the one who Tari old Chapter 39, the place is (Yasu) Ning in view of getting one, 神は一を得て以て霊なり、 谷は一を得って以て盈(み)つ。 God is spirit in view of getting one, one valley (only) in view of Yeongdeok I get one. 万物は一を得て以て生ず。 All things arise in view of getting one. 其(そ)れ貴きは賤(いや)しきを以て本と為し、高きは下(ひく)きを以て基(もとい)と為す。 Re其Totoki made (it) is this revamped賤equation (yea), the high and the base is made (group) under revamped ki (low).
40章 反(かえ)る者は道の動なり。 Who Ru (bought) chapter 40 anti-road movement Nari. 弱き者は道の用なり。 Nari weak person is for the road. 天下の万物は有より生じ、有は無より生ず。 Everything in the world is generated from organic, non-arising from Yu.
41章 上士(じょうし)は道を聞けば、勤めてこれを行なう。 If you ask which way to go, (boss) does this work for Chapter 41 boss. 中士は道を聞けば在るが若(ごと)く亡きが若し。 Come late (each) of yellowtail young fighters in the road, but there if you listen. 下士(かし)は道を聞けば、大いにこれを笑う。 If you ask which way to go, (oak) laugh a lot this non-commissioned officer. (中略)大器(たいき)は晩成(ばんせい)し、大音(たいおん)は希声(きせい)、大象(たいしょう)は形無し。 Taiki (snip) Bansei (air) is (late maturing), high sound (body temperature) and (Taisho) is a rare voice without form (established), large elephant. → 大器晩成 → late bloomer
42章道は一を生じ、一は二を生じ、三は万物を生じる。 Chapter 42 produces a one way, one produces a two, three produce all things. 万物は陰を負いて陽を抱き、沖気以って和を為す。 All things have a yin yang bear, made me more than the sum of the gas offshore.
43章天下の至柔(しじゅう)は天下の至堅(しけん)に馳騁(ちてい)す。 Chapter 43 of the world soft solstice solstice of the world to Ken (brooding)馳騁(Chickadee) is (underground).
44章 名と身と孰(いず)れか親しき、身と貨と孰れか多(まさ)れる。 孰Shitashiki name and body and Ru or Chapter 44 (not there), or multi-currency and Re孰body and is (Masa). 得ると亡(うしな)うと孰れか病(うれい)ある。 (Melancholy) or some disease and died孰Re U (such cattle) and obtained. (中略) 足るを知れば辱められず、止まるを知れば殆(あや)うからず。 Most of them (Aya) First Ukara knowing without knowing the sufficiency humiliated (omission), and stop. 以って長久なるべし。 Nagahisa I should be following. →止足の戒め → commandments foot stop
45章 大成は欠(か)くるが若(ごと)く、其の用は弊(すた)れず。 Missing (or) young come come (per), chapter 45 for its Taisei Hay is not as (register). 大盈(たいえい)は沖(むな)しきが若く、其の用は窮まらず。 (And free) off the coast of expression is young, (Taiei) for its large Yeongdeok not be at an end. 大直は屈するがごとく、大巧は拙(つたなき)が若く、大弁は訥(とつ)なるが若し。 Straight as if a large bow, Takumi large yellowtail (Tsutanaki) Humble younger, will become large valve訥(convex).
46章 天下に道有れば、走馬を却(しりぞ)けて以て糞(ふん)し、天下に道無ければ、戎馬(じゅうば)郊(こう)に生ず。 If there way to the world chapter 46, and cooling only ('ll butt) in view of the feces (poop) the running horse, without road to world, horse Ebisu (if gun) generated in the (this) suburb. (中略) 禍は足るを知らざるよりも大なるは莫(な)し。 莫evil (snip) is greater than not knowing enough is (such). (中略)故に足るを知るの足るは、常に足るなり。 Enough to know the sufficiency is therefore always enough Nari (Omitted).
47章戸(こ)を出でずして天下を知り、牘(まど)を規(うかが)わずして天道を見る。 The world does not know you are out of the (child) Chapter 47 door, I do not see the way of heaven to (give you as is) where the (windows)牘.
48章学を為せば日々に益し、道を為せば日々に損ず。 If done daily benefit the science chapter 48 Sonzuru every day if I made the road. これを損じて又た損じ、以て無為(むい)に至る。 Ji loss was also hurt by this, leading to (Mukurai) in view of idleness. 無為にして而(しか)も為さざるは無し。 Thus done without the help but I also (deer) with the inaction. 天下を取るは、常に無事を以てす。 Take the reins of government, and shall consist always successfully. 其の事有るに及んでは、以て天下を取る足らざる。 Have extended to that matter, I did not take enough in view of the world.
49章 聖人は常に心無く、百姓(ひゃくせい)の心を以て心と為す。 Saints Chapter 49 Kokoronaku always, made with heart heart revamped farmer (which hundred).
50章 生に出でて死に入る。 I go into Chapter 50 raw out to die out. 生の徒は十に三有り、死の徒も十に三有り。 There are three student live in ten have three dozen death doers. 人の生きて、動きて死地に之(ゆ)くも、亦(ま)た十に三有り。 People live, spiders (boiled), there were ten, three (or) this also to the dead Te movement.
51章 道、これを生じ、徳、これを蓄(やしな)い、物、これを形づくり、器、これを成す。 Chapter 51 road, resulting in this virtue, are accumulating (suchやす) this thing, this form, vessel, made it. 是(ここ)を以て万物、道を尊びて徳を貴ばざるは莫(な)し。 莫not honor the virtue and honor all things, a way with (here)是is (such). 道の尊きと徳の貴きは、夫(そ)れこれを命ずる莫くして、常に自ずから然(しか)り。 In this order the husband was莫comb (it), naturally always of virtue and natural Totoki Totoki of the road, (by volume deer).
52章 天下に始め有り、以て天下の母と為すべし。 World have started in chapter 52, to be done in view of the mother of the world. 既に其の母を得て、以て其の子を知る。 Already gained its mother, to know in view of its child. 既に其の子を知り、復た其の母を守らば、身を没(お)うるまで殆(あや)うからず。 Its already knows the Son, if you observe its mother was recovered, most of them (Aya) First Ukara you (us) to sell himself died.
53章 我れをして介然として知有らしめば、大道を行くに、唯(た)だ施(ななめ)なるを是れ畏(おそ)れん。 If you have knowledge as naturally tighten through us to the Re chapter 53, to go大道, awe Re是Ren (hyperemesis)'s only facility (was) the will (diagonally). 大道は甚だ夷(たい)らかなるも、民は径(こみち)を好む。 夷also from Canal (Thailand), the people prefer Daido (alley) exceedingly diameter.
54章 善く建てたるは抜けず、善く抱くは脱せず。 Tari chapter 54 does not come out well built, well not Dasseru embrace. 子孫以て祭祀して輟(や)まず。 輟(or) the first religious service in view of descendants.
55章 含徳の厚きは、赤子(せきし)に比す。 含徳Atsuki of chapter 55, as compared to (Sekishi) baby.
56章知る者は言わず、言う者は知らず。 Section 56 does not say those who know, those who say do not know. その兌(たい)を塞ぎ、その門を閉じ、その鋭を挫き、その粉を解き、その光を和し、その塵に同じくす。 Block (Thailand)兌that, close the gate, the ki that frustrate the sharp, solving the powder, hydrated the light, and also in its dust. これを玄同と謂う。 Gendou I said it. → 和光同塵 → Wakodojin
57章正を以て国を治め、奇を以て兵を用い、無事を以て天下を取る。 Chapter 57 governs the country revamped positive, using a revamped odd soldiers, take the reins of government revamped safely. 吾れ何を以て其の然(しか)るを知るや、此(こ)れを以てなり。 Ya know what was revamped吾Ru (deer) its natural, it revamped此Re (child).
58章 其の政(まつりごと)悶悶(もんもん)たれば、其の民は淳淳(じゅんじゅん)たり。 Its worrying endlessly government chapter 58 (government) if sauce (Mong Mong), Jun Jun and its people (Junjun). 其の政察察(さつさつ)たれば、其の民は缺缺(けつけつ)たり。 If its government police police sauce (one is Bill), or its people缺缺(wearing only one).
59章 人を治め天に事(つか)うるは、嗇(しょく)に若(し)くは莫し。 Chapter 59 governs the people selling things in heaven (or two) to come莫(teeth) in young (genus)嗇.
60章大国を治むるは小鮮(しょうせん)を烹(に)るが若(ごと)し。 Although烹Ru (in) Korea small (Shosen) treatment is no young Ru (per) the powers Chapter 60.
61章大国は下流なり。 Chapter 61 Nari powerhouse downstream. 天下の交(こう)、天下の牝(ひん)なり。 Exchange of the world (this), female world Nari (duty used). 牝は常に静を以て牡(ぼ)に勝つ。 The male to female win Bol revamped always static. 静を以て下ることを為すなり。 Nari I made that static down revamped.
62章道なる者は万物の奥なり。 Chapter 62 is a person to be the way of all things Nari back. 善人の宝なり。 It is the good treasure Nari. 不善人の保(やす)んずる所なり。 Retention of good people do not cheat Nari plants (grains). 美言は以て尊(そん)を市(か)うべく、美行は以て人に加うべし。 Beku city jar (or) and (losses) on Mikoto, saying beauty Miyuki should in addition to the people in view of in view of U. 人の不善なるも、何の棄(す)つることかこれ有らん。 Also made of human sin, what disposal (a) does not have this or Tsuruko.
63章 無為(むい)を為し、無事を事(こと)とし、無味を味わう。 Made the (Mukurai) inaction chapter 63, and things (things) a safe, tasteless taste. 小を大とし少を多とし、怨(うら)みに報(むく)ゆるに徳を以てす。 The virtue revamped information Mini (back) (peeled) in a multi-city slowly, a few large cities to small怨. 天下の難事は必ず易(やす)きより作(お)こり、天下の大事は必ず細より作こる。 Easily than ki (Yasu) cholyl work (), perplexities of the world is more important than the fine work of the world is always always stiff. (中略) 軽諾(けいだく)は信寡(すく)なく、多易(たい)は必ず難多し。 Shin widow (hungry) consensual light (snip) (duct system) is not, (Thailand) is a multi-Oshi difficulty always easy. → 軽諾寡信 → 寡信consensual light
64章 其の安きは持し易(やす)し。 The chapter held its 64 Yasuki susceptibility to (Lance). 其の未だ兆(きた)さざるは謀り易し。 Easier said than (comes) will not be taken in its still trillion. 聖人は為すこと無し、故に敗るることも無し。 Made without that, no saint can therefore defeats sorry. 執(と)ること無し、故に失うことも無し。 Also without without Ru (and), therefore take lost.
65章古(いにしえ)の善(よ)く道を為す者は、以て民を明らかにするに非ず。 Who (yo) made a good way of Ku (ancient), the non-First to clarify the old people in view of Section 65. 将(まさ)に以てこれを愚かにせんとす。 The relocation of the capital in view of this stupid (the Masa)将. 民の治め難きは、其の智の多きを以てなり。 Difficult to govern the people will be revamped many of its wisdom. 智を以て国を治むるは、国の賊なり。 No Ru Osamu the country, insurgents Nari Ji revamped country.
66章 江海の能(よ)く百谷(ひゃっこく)の王たる所以(ゆえん)の者は、其の善くこれに下るを以て、故に能く百谷の王たり。 (Yo) revamped its down to this well, who (why), the king of the valley one hundred and skilfully hence why Momotani of the King (Hyaku-seki) clause Jiang function of sea chapter 66. 聖人は、上に処(お)るも而(しか)も民は重しとせず、前に処るも而も民は害とせず。 People without any weight Ru (us) Thus also (deer) on the treatment, the saints, the people without harm Ru Thus even before treatment.
67章 天下皆我れを大なるも不肖(ふしょう)に似たりと謂う。 Said incompetent or similar to (let the referral) also made a large world all our Re chapter 67. 夫(そ)れ唯(ただ)大なり。 (Only) will be the only large Re (then) husband. 故に不肖に似たり。 And therefore similar to the incompetent. 若し肖ならば、久しいかな其の細(さい)なるや。 If Xiao yellowtail, how long will its fine Ya (re). 我れに三宝有り、持してこれを保つ。 We have three treasures to Re, keep this and held. 一に曰く慈(じ)、二に曰く倹(けん)、三に曰く敢えて天下の先と為らず。 慈says (same), says倹(kick), without which the world of three to two to one dares says.
68章 善く士為(た)る者は武ならず。 Ru person (was) not good Ku Takeshi for professional chapter 68. 善く戦う者は怒らず。 A person who is not angry fight well. 善く敵に勝つ者は与(くみ)せず。 Participate defeat an enemy who is not well (Kumi). 善く人を用うる者はこれが下と為る。 This will be the bottom for the person who sold well. 是れを不争の徳と謂い、是を人の力を用うると謂う。 Virtue of non-competition and said said the Re是, sell and for the power of the human是.
69章 兵を用うるに言有り。 Language have to sell for a chapter 69 soldiers. 吾れ敢(あ)えて主と為らずして客と為る。 And not primarily to customers ete (a) Re敢us. 敢えて寸を進まずして尺を退けと。 And I retired to scale the dimensions dare not go.
70章吾が言は甚(はなは)だ知り易(やす)く、甚だ行ない易きも、天下能(よ)く知るもの莫(な)く、能く行なうもの莫し。 Easy (Yasu) come to know, also performed exceedingly Yasuki甚it (the nose),莫what (good) performance world come to know come (such), chapter 70吾saying things done come to莫function.
71章知りて知らずとするは上なり。 Know and do not know chapter 71 is on the Nari. 知らずして知るとするは病(へい)なり。 The disease is known as Nari did not know (fence).
72章 民威を畏(おそ)れざれば、則ち大威至る。 If you are awe Zare (hyperemesis) and chapter 72 Min Wei, Wei reach large law course.
73章敢(あ)えてするに勇なれば、則ち殺され、敢えてせざるに勇なれば、則ち活かさる。 You will Isamu (A) to Chapter 73 敢ete, of course rule are killed, it will not dare courage, can utilize law course. →対:義を見て為(せ)ざるは、勇なきなり(『論語』為政) → Thai: Look for righteousness Without courage Nari (a) colander is (Isei "Analects") (中略) 天網(てんもう)恢恢(かいかい)疎(そ)にして失わず。 Not to lose (it) sparse (Opening)恢恢(heaven's vengeance) heaven's vengeance (Omitted). → 天網恢恢 → 恢恢heaven's vengeance
74章 民、死を畏(おそ)れざれば、奈何(いかん)ぞ死を以てこれを懼(おそ)れしめんや。 If you are awe Zare (hyperemesis) chapter 74 people, the death, and noodles are懼し(hyperemesis) it shall consist death each Ikan (transferred).
75章 民の饑(う)うるは、其の上(かみ)の税に食(は)むの多きを以て、是(ここ)を以て饑う。 Shall consist of large, non-food (is), chapter 75 of the people饑Ur (c), U饑with (here)是tax of (paper) on top of it. (中略)夫(そ)れ唯(た)だ生を以て為すこと無き者は、是(こ)れ生を貴ぶより賢(まさ)る。 Than honor the life was the (co)是Ken that made an otherwise raw revamped it (was) the only husband (snip) Re (SEO), the Ru (Masa).
76章人の生まるるや柔弱、其の死するや堅強なり。 It Nari strength and weakness Ken Maruru raw chapter 76 people, Ya its death. (中略)故に堅強なるものは死の徒(と)にして、柔弱なる者は生の徒なり。 You (and) death doers, those who made Ken Strong Naru Nari effeminacy is therefore raw doers (Omitted). (中略)強大は下に処り、柔弱は上に処る。 Mighty (omission) Ri punished under, effeminacy is punished on Ru.
77章 聖人は、為すも而(しか)も恃(たの)まず、功成るも而も処(お)らず。 Thus also be made (deer)恃('s was) first, and even become Falun Thus Saints Chapter 77 process, Razz (us). 其(そ)れ賢を見(あら)わすを欲せず。 Align does not want a (rough) See Ken Re (it)其.
78章 天下の水より柔弱なるは莫(な)し。 Chapter 78 of the world than water莫Naru weakness is (such). 而(し)かも堅強を攻むる者、これに能(よ)く勝る莫し。 An attack-free Ru and莫(yo) came superior performance to this strength be Ken Thus (teeth). 其の以てこれを易(か)うるもの無きを以てなり。 Become (or) Naki revamped ones in view of its so easy sell.
79章 大怨(たいえん)を和して、必ず余怨(よえん)有るは、安(いずく)んぞ以て善と為す可(べ)けん。 The sum of the (んexample Thailand)怨large chapter 79, (should)怨over (Joel) have always, kick that made possible in view of good and not weak, respectively (district size). (中略) 天道に親(しん)なし、常に善人に与(くみ)す。 To天道 (snip) No parent (Shin), is always given to good people (or groups). →対:天道、是か非か(『史記』伯夷列伝) → Thai:天道, whether or non是(biographies夷Earl "Shiji")
80章小国寡民 (中略)隣国相い望み、鶏犬の声相聞こゆるも、民は老死に至るまで、相い往来せざらん。 Chapter 80 寡民small country neighboring phase have hope ... and also slow phase hear the voice of the dog chicken, ranging from Roshi, the people are coming and going quite commonんphase. → 小国寡民 → 寡民small country
81章信言(しんげん)は美ならず、美言(びげん)は信ならず。 Signal word and not chapter 81 (Shingen), not Shin (slight decline) and language. 善なる者は弁(べん)せず、弁ずる者は善ならず。 Without valve (should not), who will dispose of good will who are not good. 知る者は博(ひろ)からず、博からず者は知らず。 not from Hiroshi (Hiro), not from those who know the person does not know WTF. 聖人は積(つ)まず。 (One) product first saint. 既(ことごと)く以て人の為にして、己は兪々(いよいよ)有り。 For the people in view of the above (Koto-goto) clause (finally) There are many self-Yoo. 既く以て人に与えて、己は兪々多し。 Given to people rather than in view of above, the self is different Oshi Yoo. 天の道は、利して而(しか)して害せず、聖人の道は、為して而して争わず。 Thus without prejudice to (deer) with interest, the way of heaven, the way of the saints, not to compete Thus it made.
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...... ......  ..... ..... .... .... | | 『老子』 老子/蜂屋邦夫/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Iwanami / K. Hachiya / Lao Tzu "Lao Tzu" ...> [Books]   | 熾烈な戦国時代を生き抜く処世の知恵であり一種の統治理論であるが、同時に、世の中と It is a theory of governance is a kind of wisdom to survive the Warring States period Shosei fierce, at the same time, and the world 人間についての深い洞察力によって、人生の教科書ともいうべき普遍性を持っている。 By deep insight about human beings, have a universal textbook of life should be called. ここで説かれる平和的で、自足、素朴なあり方は、時代を超えて人々の心に訴えかける。 Preached here in peaceful, self-sufficient, rustic way, appeals to the hearts of people throughout the ages. |
| .... .... | | 『荘子 内篇・外篇・雑篇(1)~(4)』 荘周/金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "(1) ~ Hen-Hen miscellaneous Gaihen in Zhuangzi (4)" Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya / Zhou Zhuang ...> [Books]   | 『荘子』は道家思想の代表的古典として,儒家の『論語』や『孟子』などに対立しつつも古代中国思想の "Zhuangzi" is of ancient Chinese thought as a classic representative of thought Doke, while opposed to for example, "Mencius" and "Analects" of Confucian 重要な一翼をなし、我が国にも多大な影響を与えた。 Constitute a significant part, also had a great influence on our country. 卑小な人間世界から飛び立ち、人為を超越した Off from the petty human world, I have transcended the human 自然の世界に融けこんで、自由な精神を得ようとする荘子の思想は、まことに魅力的である。 Crowded melts into the natural world, which Zhuangzi thought of trying to get a free spirit is indeed attractive. |
| .... .... | | 『荘子物語』 諸橋轍次/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Tetsuji Morohashi Story "Zhuangzi" ...> [Books] | 孔孟の教えが五倫五常を重んじ秩序を固定化するのに対して、荘子の哲学は無為自然を基本とする。 Whereas immobilization order respecting the five Confucian virtues taught the first hole Gorin, philosophy of Zhuangzi is basically nature inaction. 二千三百年後の今日なお、社会の各分野で『荘子』が益々注目される所以がそこにある。 Even today after two thousand years three hundred is there reason to "Zhuangzi" in the areas of society is more and more attention. 変幻龍のごとしと称されるその天下の奇文を、大儒諸橋博士が縦横に説いて余すところがない。 There is no exhaustive Dr. Morohashi Taiju is preached in every direction, the odd statement that world called the dragon as protean. |
| .... .... | | 『列子(上・下)』 列禦寇/小林勝人/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] Child "column (top and bottom)" Iwanami / Masato Kobayashi /禦寇column ...> [Books]   | 『列子』八篇は道家思想を伝える代表的な古典であるが、「杞憂」「朝三暮四」「愚公移山」など "Child" column eight Hen such as "move the mountain public folly" "Chosanboshi" "needless anxiety", but a typical classical convey the idea Doke よく知られた絶妙な寓言・寓話が多く、滋味ゆたかな説話文学の一大宝庫ともなっている。 Fable-Gugen many exquisite well-known, has also become a major storehouse of rich narrative literature Jimi. 本書は原文と訓読文に細緻な校・注を付し、さらに分りやすい現代語訳を加えた良書である。 This book is a good book and attached the note-school Saichi Kundoku statement with the original, plus easy-to-understand modern translation further. |
| .... .... | | 『韓非子(1)~(4)』 韓非/金谷治/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "(1) to Kanpishi (4)" Iwanami / Osamu Kanaya / non-Han ...> [Books]   | 中国古代の法家思想の大成者とされる戦国末期の思想家韓非とその継承者の論著の集成。 Author corpus of theory of non-Han thinkers and their successors in the late Warring States to be thought of as an Taisei Hoka ancient China. 人間とは自分の利益を追求する存在であるという非情な人間観から、歯切れのよい文章で、 From the view of human nature that it is cruel existence to pursue their own interests, and human sentences crisp, 法律・刑罰を政治の基礎だと説いてゆく。 Yuku preach that it is the basis of the political, legal, punishment. 秦の始皇帝の法律万能の思想こそ、法家思想であった。 Only the thought of universal laws of Qin Shi Huangdi, was thought Hoka. |
| .... .... | | 『孫子』 孫武/浅野裕一/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Yuichi Asano / Takeshi grandchildren "Sun Tzu" ...> [Books]   | 春秋時代の孫武が著わし、二千年以上も読み継がれた名高い古典は世界最古の兵法書として、 Grandson of the renowned classic Wu Chunqiu was succeeded Eagle Author read, written more than two thousand years as the world's oldest art of war, また人間界の鋭い洞察の書として親しまれ、今日もなお組織の統率法や心理の綾を読みとるうえで Popular as a keen insight into the human world also written, in order to read the figure of law and psychology still today the organization's leadership 必読とされている。 It has been a must-read. 本書は、従来のテキストより千年以上も古い前漢武帝時代の竹簡文に基づく。 This document is based on the age of Emperor Wu of Han bamboo簡文more than a thousand years older than the traditional text. |
| .... .... | | 『墨子』 墨翟/浅野裕一/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Yuichi Asano /翟Sumi "ink child" ...> [Books]   | 春秋時代末期に墨子が創始し、戦国末まで儒家と思想家を二分する巨大勢力を誇った墨家の学団。 Studies of house team ink to boast of a huge force that child ink-founded in the late Spring and Autumn Period, bisecting the Confucian thinkers and by the end of the Warring States. 自己と他者を等しく愛せと説く「兼愛」や、侵略戦争を否定する「非攻」の思想を唱え独自の武装集団も Also own gunmen chanting the concept of "non-attack" deny "or Ken'ai" preach, a war of aggression and love self and others equally 保有したが、秦漢帝国成立期の激動の中で突如、その姿を消す。 Was held, suddenly, I disappeared in the turbulent period of Qin and Han imperial establishment. 墨家の思想の全容と消長の軌跡。 Trajectory of the whole picture of the idea and the fate of the house ink. |
| .... .... | | 『諸子百家』 浅野裕一/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Yuichi Asano house "one hundred Shoshi" ...> [Books] | 春秋戦国を縦横無尽に駆け抜けた才智と戦略、自らの理想を実現すべく諸国を巡った諸子百家。 Shoshi house was over one hundred countries and strategies that should be implemented wit and intelligence that ran through most comprehensive Spring and Autumn Warring States, the ideals of their own. 快楽至上主義の楊朱と兼愛の戦士・墨子の思想がなぜ天下を二分するほど支持されたのか。 Why does the thought of a child and Sumi warriors Ken'ai楊朱supremacist or pleasure was being supported enough to divide the world. 新出土資料で判明した老子、孫子、孔子などの実像や、鄒衍・公孫龍らの思想も興味深く説く。 Preach and interesting real Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, and Confucius, but also from the idea of a dragon Koson-鄒衍were identified in this new excavated material. |
| .... .... | | 『春秋左氏伝(上・中・下)』 小倉芳彦/岩波文庫 …> [関連書籍] "The Story of Mr. Chunqiu left (bottom, middle and top)" Iwanami / Yoshihiko Ogura ...> [Books] | 『春秋左氏伝』は『春秋』の「伝」すなわち解説で、春秋時代(前七二二‐四八一)を中心とする Commentary, (seven hundred twenty-two before - four hundred eighty-one) Chunqiu ", ie transfer" of "Spring and Autumn", "Den said left spring and autumn" is centered on the 中国古代の史伝説話の宝庫である。 A wealth of history and biography of the ancient Chinese tales. 中国では準経書として扱われ、我が国では古来歴史や In China are treated as quasi Keisho, history and ancient times in Japan 文学の源泉であった。 It was a source of literature. その全文の格調高い現代語訳。 Magnificent modern translation of the full text. 本書には地図・系図・索引を完備。 In this manual are equipped with an index, maps, genealogy. |
| .... .... | | 『史記(1)~(8)』 司馬遷/小竹文夫・小竹武夫/ちくま学芸文庫 …> [関連書籍] "(1) to Shiji (8)" Chikuma Gakugei Bunko / Takeo Kotake, Fumio Kotake / Sima Qian ...> [Books] | 西漢の司馬遷が著した中国最初の正史『史記』は、古代中国の社会と人間を生きいきと描きだし、 "Shiji" first authentic history of China Sima Qian of the Western Han wrote is depicts a lively and human society in ancient China, 日本でも広く親しまれてきた。 Has been widely popular in Japan. 歴代帝王の系譜である「本紀」、諸侯の興亡を伝える「世家」、 "Home world" tell "ホンギ" a genealogy of former emperor, the rise and fall of princes, そして乱世を駆け抜けた人間を描く「列伝」。 "I Retsuden" draw a human and ran through the troublous times. 本書は古と今をつなぐ、全人類共通の財産といえる。 It connects the old and now this book, and the common property of all mankind. |
| .... .... | | 『菜根譚』 洪自誠/中村璋八・石川力山/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / mountain Ishikawa force eight Zhang / Nakamura Makoto self Hung "Tan Cycon" ...> [Books]   | 本書は、「儒・仏・道」の三教を根幹とする『菜根譚』の真髄を体得して日常生活の指針とするため、 This document is to guide the daily life and the basis to realize the essence of the three religions "road, French Confucianism" in "Tan Cycon" 儒・道教の専門家と仏教、特に禅学を専攻する学者の二人が、長年に亙り原典を全面的に見直し、 Two Buddhist scholars who specialize in the study of Zen in particular professionals and Taoism-Confucianism is a major overhaul over the years the original text, これを究明し、新たに書き下ろした。 To investigate this, I was newly written down. 現世を生きぬく知恵と処世の極意が満載された必読の書。 Must-read books that are packed with wisdom and secrets of Shosei survive this world. |
| .... .... .... .... | | 『中国古典名言事典』 諸橋轍次/講談社学術文庫 …> [関連書籍] Academic Kodansha bunko / Tetsuji Morohashi "Encyclopedia Chinese Classic Quotes" ...> [Books] | 厖大な中国の古典のなかから4,800余を精選、簡潔にして分かりやすい解説を付した名言名句集。 Carefully selected from among the more than 4,800 Chinese classical enormous, chrestomathy mot which is subject to the easy-to-understand explanation of brevity. どの章句にも古典の英知・達人の知恵・人間のドラマが宿っており、人生の指針にみちている。 Drama of human wisdom and the wisdom of Guru-classic has lodged any verse, life is full of guidelines. 激動の時代を生きる現代人が座右に置いて、あらゆる機会に再読・三読すべき画期的な辞典である。 Modern people who live in the era of upheaval will have by one, it is a breakthrough that should be read three dictionary-reread every occasion. |
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